WOW that is a bad day


Sometimes only a picture can get our attention!

Her last call was from a new cell phone...

Do you see the motorcycle?

The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately
85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she
pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the
motorcycle. The rider's reaction time was not sufficient
enough to avoid this accident.
The car had two passengers
and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them.
The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact
and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place.

All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were
killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at
the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department..
Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be
new drivers, or new motorcycle owners
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Save a life…

Stop talking on Cell phones and Texting while trying to drive.
The life you save may be your own..... or mine...

Keep passing this on so everyone will see what can happen by using a CELL PHONE while driving




The car and motorcycle are from an era prior to "everyone has a cell phone", as is the wreck. A few years ago the same picture was labeled as "Motorcycle hits car at 140MPH".

This was put together just as a safety demo. Not that it can't happen.
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The car and motorcycle are from an era prior to "everyone has a cell phone", as is the wreck. A few years ago the same picture was labeled as "Motorcycle hits car at 140MPH".

This was put together just as a safety demo. Not that it can't happen.

Yep, saw that too
I have responded up a few motorcycles in car accidents... haven't seen one turn out well for the motorcyclist...

This is an old pic, an staged but it happens a lot
There is a serious lack of blood stains in there..................I think the bike was launched into the car for a demo.
Still makes you wonder, how did it get in there?

The car was cut in half and the motorcycle was inserted just for that picture. It made the tour around the UK and Germany several years ago in that exact form. Now people just apply the latest "What's the bad-habit fad this year?" logic to come up with new stories.

That still doesn't make cell phone drivers any safer. Texting is even worse.
I crashed kinda like that..this past sep 4th.. I was going 60 MPH and a 55 year old woman ran a stop sign and I T-boned her.. I had less than 50 feet to stop.. My wife broke down again last night bawling saying how I almost died and how lucky I am. that she wouldnt wanna be with out me.. If you want more detail's on my wreck just ask. I don't wanna blab on if you people don't wanna know..
Seen it before I always thought it looked fishy like how did they get all the blood bodyparts out of there ???
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