WOW predictions might be true

Well I'm not saying that I believe that 2012 is the date of the end of the world, but with my luck just about the time I was getting close to being able to retire, BANG
(LE BUSA @ Mar. 02 2007,20:16) Well I'm not saying that I believe that 2012 is the date of the end of the world, but with my luck just about the time I was getting close to being able to retire, BANG

And i must say, i'm with WWJD on this one! WE don't have any concept of when human life/the world will end. Only He who created us know's.

By nature i don't like this kind of stuff. I'm kindof a paraniod person i guess. But like stated earlier, "why worry about something you can't control."

It does kinda make me want to get a bike sooner though!

(tpbio @ Mar. 02 2007,16:04) Well, the article on the new warhead only says the new design is mainly to add safegaurds against possible theft and misuse and that it will more robust, whatever that means. It also states that this new warhead will allow for a reduction in current inventory.

The first article, I really don't have a clue  

If ancient peoples somehow could have predicted the end of the world, I really think the realization of the event would be due to a natural occurance, not man's intervention. I believe the end of the world would come because of a massive meteor impact.
Chicxulub all over again eh?

As bad as that was, we are all still here today.
(YH2K @ Mar. 03 2007,07:16)
(tpbio @ Mar. 02 2007,16:04) Well, the article on the new warhead only says the new design is mainly to add safegaurds against possible theft and misuse and that it will more robust, whatever that means. It also states that this new warhead will allow for a reduction in current inventory.

The first article, I really don't have a clue  

If ancient peoples somehow could have predicted the end of the world, I really think the realization of the event would be due to a natural occurance, not man's intervention. I believe the end of the world would come because of a massive meteor impact.
Chicxulub all over again eh?

As bad as that was, we are all still here today.
We were not here then.
Dec 21,2012.That's the day it's suppose happen.Just watched a show on this the other day on the history channel.Wish it was a little sooner.I'm without a job and in dept!LOL!
The world will never end. The world as we know it will end.
Russia is already aligning with Iran, Syria, and other middle east countries. They're going to come against Israel. Read about it in Ezekiel 38 & 39. How many times has Iran's president said "Soon, Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth". This is Psalm 83:4.
We're living in dangerous but exciting times. It means Jesus, the One who created you and died for you, is coming back soon.
2012 huh? Well I highly doubt that the world is going to come to an end. I think the two biggest risks to humans are meteors and dieasese. But if either of these were going to take place I think the amount of money spent on research and development to counter these problems and would produce solutions before extiction. A very high percentage of the world population belives in some sort of religion. And for that matter mainly religions that talk of doomsdays and jugdment. I belive that this plays on most peoples fears. Also there are a lot of people out there that are looking forward to the end of the world. I know this sounds weird but The end of the world coincides with there god returning and saving them. My mom for example is a very involved christian woman and she always makes comments like "I cant wait for jesus to return". Anyways I think you need to live every day to its fullest and savor every moment becuase when you die your done; game over. The busa helps me do this, HA!
. As for war, yeah a lot of people are going to die and one day the US could not be the world power it is today or even a country, but there will still be civilization in some form, and some ruling countries. All this is my opinion and I dont want to offend any belivers; but its nice to talk about this since everyone in my family is dedicated christians; and they wont go there.
(BlueHaya @ Mar. 02 2007,12:31) If this crap does have to ask yourself would you rather be 1 mile from the blast or 100 miles?
but first you must ask yourself....

"will it matter?"

(tpbio @ Mar. 02 2007,13:04) Well, the article on the new warhead only says the new design is mainly to add safegaurds against possible theft and misuse and that it will more robust, whatever that means. It also states that this new warhead will allow for a reduction in current inventory.
tpbio? you can come to the conclusion that the primarys for the re-design is primarily a security issue yet you seem to be at a loss to define what "More Robust" means?...

c'mon man!

They need fewer of them because it only takes 3 to destroy the world...and that makes it an easy sell to the american public as a "cost savings to the taxpayer" (less of then to man & maintain) as they'll keep the taxpayer blind to the hidden costs of them and their skimming he11 off the top as they finance the cost "The Swap-Out & Hazardous Waste" costs...where they'll grease themselves and their corp. fatcat buddys real the expense of taxpayers and humanity.

and all as we threaten iran (and several other smaller nations) NOT to proceed with nuclear power programs right? where the world usta respect us? fear and resent us.

L8R, Bill.
My prediction
, in the next 36 months (48 at the outside) Iran will make attempt to strike Israel with 3 Nuc's. They have all ready declared ALL Moslems living in that area Officially as Martyrs, so their death are accepted, anticipated and approved by their Religious Leaders. So, for them, it's a GO ! Will they be successful, NO, will we be in a full War, well No ! We're already there, it will just expand with more devastating strikes. I just hope that the New Congress doesn't ***** foot around and will let us win as soon as possible with devastating strikes. If so, we and they will lose less people in the Conflict. That's a Historical Fact !

But, in the END ---------- WE WIN  

Just remember, Those who will not fight for their rights, eventually have NO rights  
(kml @ Mar. 03 2007,08:07) The end is near
read about it here:
That CAN'T  be true
where's that sand?
look, a hole
in goes the head
I'm safe now....

"This is not the wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected geologists, physicists, bankers, and investors in the world. These are rational, professional, conservative individuals who.."

uhmmm...didn't we just have a N.A.S.A. astronaut drive 1/2 way across the nation carrying nothing but cash (so as not to leave a CC trail) and wearing a diaper so she could "get there faster" to go attack her married boyfriends lover?...

so i don't necessariliy equate a persons "job title" as being indicitive of their personal sanity levels.
The Mayan calendar is the one that predicts the world to end on 12/21/2012. If you combine that thought with the fact that our current Gregorian calendar is off by 12 years (therefore, the actual year "2000" is 2012) you may have some impetus to believe that the end of the world will arrive somewhere in there . . . .

The Mayan guy's chisel arm probably just got tired right then and he stopped and never came back to it . . . .

Personally, there is more evidence (not that I believe it) that space aliens will determine our fate than anything else.

Believers in Judeo-Christian religious thought have always looked for the end of the world. The believers during early Christian periods have always said, "The end is near," or other similar statements, including that they, "look forward to the return of Christ."

No different than it is today. My father, grandfather and great grandfather believed wholeheartedly that they would live to see Jesus and lo and behold, they have passed away without seeing it, just like the hundreds of generations of believers before them.

Granted, I'm not saying people shouldn't believe what they want to believe. More power to them if they wish to choose these beliefs. Perhaps it gives comfort and peace. My reason for commenting is to say why I, personally, don't believe. This belief actually gives me greater peace and comfort in my life.

Eh. Regardless, the end of the world is likely not something man can predict. If it's a space object about to crash into us, we can't do anything about it, I don't think. I could be wrong. If man has the power and the stupidity to blow the world to smithereens, I doubt any of us individuals are going to have the ability to stop it. If it's going to be the act of an angry god or space alien, again, I can't stop it.

My point, of course, is that it's not worth spending time and energy worrying about it. I just can't see losing any sleep over something I'm not able to control, prevent or alter. That's why I don't lose any sleep over how the sparks get to my plugs in my Busa. There's a wire. If it fails, so be it. I'll work on it then.

Just rambling, as usual.

(Wag @ Mar. 03 2007,09:32) The Mayan calendar is the one that predicts the world to end on 12/21/2012.   If you combine that thought with the fact that our current Gregorian calendar is off by 12 years (therefore, the actual year "2000" is 2012) you may have some impetus to believe that the end of the world will arrive somewhere in there . . . .

The Mayan guy's chisel arm probably just got tired right then and he stopped and never came back to it . . . .  

Personally, there is more evidence (not that I believe it) that space aliens will determine our fate than anything else.  

Believers in Judeo-Christian religious thought have always looked for the end of the world.  The believers during early Christian periods have always said, "The end is near," or other similar statements, including that they, "look forward to the return of Christ."  

No different than it is today.  My father, grandfather and great grandfather believed wholeheartedly that they would live to see Jesus and lo and behold, they have passed away without seeing it, just like the hundreds of generations of believers before them.

Granted, I'm not saying people shouldn't believe what they want to believe.  More power to them if they wish to choose these beliefs.  Perhaps it gives comfort and peace.  My reason for commenting is to say why I, personally, don't believe.  This belief actually gives me greater peace and comfort in my life.

Eh.  Regardless, the end of the world is likely not something man can predict.  If it's a space object about to crash into us, we can't do anything about it, I don't think.  I could be wrong.  If man has the power and the stupidity to blow the world to smithereens, I doubt any of us individuals are going to have the ability to stop it.  If it's going to be the act of an angry god or space alien, again, I can't stop it.

My point, of course, is that it's not worth spending time and energy worrying about it.  I just can't see losing any sleep over something I'm not able to control, prevent or alter.  That's why I don't lose any sleep over how the sparks get to my plugs in my Busa.  There's a wire.  If it fails, so be it.  I'll work on it then.

Just rambling, as usual.

well?....our christian backed leaders just selected a newly re-designed warhead...and authorized production.

The reason that the world will end on that day is that day is my birthday...and I am the anti-christ.