wow....opening the spillway

The corps said it will open the gates when the river's flow rate reaches a certain point, expected Saturday.

Umm,, Why not start letting water out weeks ago? They clearly new this was coming. How is it legal for them to intentionally flood peoples land and destroy thier homes? Are the giving everyone checks for the fair market value of what they will lose? If I stand in my yard and spray my garden hose into your open window, Im guessin the cops would be called and Id be held accountable for the damage....
Yep, this really bothers me....
The corps said it will open the gates when the river's flow rate reaches a certain point, expected Saturday.

Umm,, Why not start letting water out weeks ago? They clearly new this was coming. How is it legal for them to intentionally flood peoples land and destroy thier homes? Are the giving everyone checks for the fair market value of what they will lose? If I stand in my yard and spray my garden hose into your open window, Im guessin the cops would be called and Id be held accountable for the damage....
Yep, this really bothers me....

You can't drain it in advance.....don't work that way. And sure wern't gonna flood out anyone if they could possibly avoid it. I am watching this with baited breath as I have a business sitting 30 feet behind a NOLA levy...Luckily don't own the property and we can move inventory if necessary.