Why do they do that???


why do people constantly ask why people do things?

I got this thought after being bored and searching "why do people street race?", "why do people want to be in the military specail forces?", "why do people race?", "why do men want to become body builders?", "why do people strive for what can not be acheived by normal means"

Basically why do people ask why some people dedicate their lives to something?

Why do they feel obligated to ask your family/friends why they let you do it?(as if you ask before permission before racing, enlisting, race, mod, study, teach, save others, ect)

Does it fall into the catagory of

" If you do more then me your crazy and should spend your time else where; if you do less then me your stupid and lazy and should do more"

"The first hundred times, I answered. I've stopped answering long ago..... Let me ask you, how do you describe what you can do in a single word, an entire way of living "
My friends "Why do want a motorbike", Me "Because I want one". My friends "Your mad", Me "Yes I know".:laugh:.
if you don't ask why you will never learn. the questions not as important as the answer and don't judge the answer given you just try to under stand. if that one guy wouldn't have asked why the apple fell from the tree where would we be. LOL Sir Isaac Newton
if you don't ask why you will never learn. the questions not as important as the answer and don't judge the answer given you just try to under stand. if that one guy wouldn't have asked why the apple fell from the tree where would we be. LOL Sir Isaac Newton
we would be riding busas that fly cuz we wouldnt know what gravity was :rofl: