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Who\'s laughing now - ZX-12 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 30, 1999
Who's laughing now ?? Everyone who heard all of the cocky talk on site the last several months. Phantom bike, can't go 200MPH, yada, yada, yada.

Well, it was a short reign at the top Busa boys, at least us Kaw riders (ZX-11) got to sit on top for 8 years of this decade. You guys rule for 2 years, get swelled heads and then its over. What a hoot! Bye, bye suckers!!
Are you riding a non-availible ZX12 or a outdated ZX11! when you pop the clutch and get some real performance numbers come back and see us.
See Ya in the rear view!
You poor dickless puppy.

All of your old yellow (green?) teeth have fallen out and you're just a-hopin' your new dentures will be sharp enough to eat filet.

Ain't hope grand?
Are you saying that ZX12drools (over the busa)has actually used the weight reduction methods suggested in an early post?

For myself, I would rather keep the extra weight and the hobby.

ZX12 guy,
Wipe you chin - you're making a mess of the busa.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited 30 September 1999).]
ZX12rude! Bashing your way into this website
and defecate yourself silly. Grow up! With no
solid figures other than what's in your empty
cavity? All this BS about the ZX12's performance is getting stale. Arm yourself with actual facts than come back and 'humble' us. Other than that, no more 'wet dreams'.
Maybe zx-12rules was on the design team and that is why he is so happy!!

If not he is just flaming (as I have done in the past) and that is akin to talking about how far he can piss (as I have done in the past) which means that you are in the same league as most 5th graders at recess. Not an insult but it gets boring after a while.

I would rather bring the pissing contest into a new direction. If we are going to argue the merits of one bike versus that other we should talk shop and discuss the technological innovations that are fueling these advances. The piston discussion is good because I had to go back to and read the book about the semi-hemi/pent design of the new ZX-12. Everyone who says that a flat piston design is most efficient is partially right. If your litmus test for efficiency is how fast you can do a quarter and tear down the motor after every run or every few runs this is true. Like the busa the piston design Kawasaki went with combined with the bore and stroke, combined with ingition timing, ram air etc provides sick amounts of power to be distributed more evenly throughout the rev range in a package that is fairly reliable. That is a huge step forward for the evolution of mass produced internal combustion engines. Is it more impressive than the busa? Will it be a better bike? That is a question for which there is no answer because it is all relative and Suzuki can come back next week and beat the zx-12 if that is their objective. And who knows what the aftermarket will come up with. So who really wins? We all do. The primary limitations at are tire technology and arodynamics.

Sorry for typos I left my speak and spell at work.
ZX Rules

Dud (spelled correctly) Grammy's looking for a race, With the new turbo she's got 275 RWHP. She said she'll race you for your pink slip, She's a size 9.
For one thing for those of you that are stupid, do you remember when I enlightened you to the fact that Suzuki is owned by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, you stupid bastards, when you talk poop about Kawasaki you are talking of your creater you idiots. Now lets see your bobos shrink in the coming months after the road tests. Just because you buy power doesnt mean you own it! good time you!
Boy, i think this guy bit off a little more than he's going to be able to chew.It must suck to be him....har har har.
Some of us here are using our machines for fun and transportation. But if you need a bike as a penileimplant and thus prove that you're a man, then the hayabusa is the "thing" to have. And who cares what the names of the stockholders are ?

You're the kind of guy I hope never to meet in life, much less on the road. Reel it in a little. Civility does have its plusses.

Damn, no matter where one goes, there's always the village idiot to contend with.
This DONG guy, or whatever he calls himself, is that kind of transparent looser that no one notice out in public. But behind the keyboard he grows into this sugar we've all managed to hate in the last 30 or so minutes.
Pissing contest?
I did a $200,000 masonry job for the creator owner of match box cars and who now owns ertl toys also.
After I finished the chimney I had to get on top to put some metal caps on, it is 65' off the ground and I had to take a huge piss so I took one. I even have witnesses.
Who can beat that?
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