Whether you like the current adminstration or not, What do you thing about this?

Don Hardcastle

Busa Ridin' Sailor (ret)
Donating Member
Remember to Display your United States Flag at Half-Staff on Thursday September 11th, 2014 in Honor of Patriot Day.

Thursday, September 11, 2014 marks the 13-year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93 which crashed in suburban Pennsylvania. Patriot Day serves as a remembrance of the lives lost on that September morning.

On Patriot Day, the President directs that the American flag be flown at half-staff at individual American homes,
at the White House, and on all U.S. government buildings and establishments, home and abroad. The President also asks Americans to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 AM Eastern time, the time the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center that morning.

3-2-1 GO!!!
As one of the chief Obama detractors here, I see nothing wrong, and everything right, with this request. Not going to fault the guy when he doesn't deserve it - there's a boatload of other faults to work with...

I am a little touchy about the word "Direct" as the only Direct he legally can give is government buildings...he uses that word a little too freely....
IMO election year politics, out of character, but on the other hand a good thing to do.
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