When you fall asleep driving!

Ouch! Yeah, the car's a loss. Glad you're ok though. It sounds like we're pulling the same work hours and drive time, so I know how you feel.
It makes you crazy... :Oo:
Thats good aim for sleeping, yep falling asleep driving can hurt. I flipping a 18 wheeler when I was 21 going to Colorado by falling asleep. please be careful-we want you to stick around
I know exactly how U feel....I work the 12 to 14 hour night shift & then finish it off with a 1 hour & 15 minute commute. Gets kinda rough to keep the eyes open. Glad you made it out OK.
Had a friend do that a few years back and he was in the hospital for 3 weeks. Glad you faired better than him.
Some one will buy it for the vin plate. Air bags are great..:thumbsup: Glad you were not hurt too bad.
GLAD YOU ARE OK !! I once heard of a lady who would roll her hair up in the window so if she nodded off it would wake her up. Not to make light of your situation and how blessed you are to be alive just thought it might make you laff.
dude, if i were you i'd delete this thread. if they see YOU fell asleep at the wheel, they'll deny your claim, and they'll drop you.
WOW Scary stuff. Thank GOD and the car maker engineers. Looks like the car absorbed the impact like it was suppose to. You're going to be even more sore tomorrow.
wow you sure did some damage, Glad you okay:thumbsup: any update on the stolen bikes?

i was just wondering myself... and on a note...i fell asleep once...on my gsx1100rw in 96.. only accident i have had on a bike... i recognize the signs now and it scares me
No updates on the bikes or anything they said they would be in touch about it so naturally I havent heard a peep out of them.

Yea I am overly sore...I literally feel like someone got me down and beat me with a bat or something! I have a few cracked ribs which makes it not so pleasant to breathe and I have an awful bruise in the shape of a seatbelt. The seat belt actually cut me across the waist! Not sure how fast I was going when I wrecked but its somewhere between 40-50 mph. Also broke my tail bone which really sucks if you wanna sit down. Weird thing is I have 2 cuts on my face we think are from my glasses cause its almost right between my eyes and the cuts match the nose piece on my glasses but they are all smooth plastic and they didnt break? All and all I am good though Just happy to still be here!!!! And hopefully the soreness will start to go away soon its been about 3 days since the wreck.
Gurley WTH...glad your ok!!!!!! Thats whats important ...its real tuff working in those hours, if your tired take a nap before you drive!!!!! Who cares bout the car...you can replace that...so.....duct tape and some glue and youll fix it!