What's wrong with this picture?

Trucker Mike

Pick out what's wrong.

OK, call me Mr. Obvious. Front wheel ... they're both about to highside without any gear .... Now somebody help me with the real problem.
Other then they are about to crash a Triumph, and the girl is not topless and wearing a thong, I really cant see much wrong lol..
Everything is wrong with that picture, IMO.

It's just wrong.
i really hope that is "Photoshoped", cause if it is not.
That one is gonna hurt, a lot.
Sort of makes my teeth grit.

OUCH!!! big time...

That photo is real and they ate it but survived. Got some scars though. Triumph sold more parts the next day. I'm going to open a triumph dealer near his house. HAHA
he is steering into the turn and now countersteering??
Oh and her flip flops are the wrong shade of blue too...
That pic was in Cycle world not ot long ago. was the parting shot in the back of the magazine if I remember right. Looks like a lot of pain is fixing to be handed out
Ok, so the front tire is just the beginning of a wreck, and is not supposed to be turned in like that an a corner that fast. Gotcha. <shrug>

I didn't post this as a "let's flame them" sorta thing. I really was curious about the front tire being turned so far in. I don't know enough about riding that fast to know if it's bad. Someone else showed me the pic, said "Ouch!", and I didn't know what they were talking about except for the lack of protective gear.

I was kinda thinking someone might say, "Holy crap, look at his tire, he's about to wreck!"