what drag racing does to a clutch

keep us updated on the convertible clutch. i'm curious how streetable it could be, if you set the stall speed fairly low.
In between runs find something to hold the clutch lever down this helps alot with overheating and its simple to do :thumbsup:

this is what i do
i use an zip tie thats has a quick realese clip on workd great for me
after rounds pull in your clutch and put a zip tie on it and take off the oil cap
it helps a little this is what i do and we do round robins
did someone mentions a hayes clutch :laugh:

Mine the now "old style". :banghead: but it does function well. I would wait till the season is over before switching. Getting everything setup will take some time.

As for street friendly... even with a very low stall I don't think I would use one for the street.


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