Waging war on prosperity

Its funny you can always tell who the three toed sloths are as they are always ready with an answer as to why you shouldnt be able to keep your money from going to the poor non tax paying bums among us.
You have been fortunate. Not everyone can say the same and would I bet that those that have not had your good fortune are lazy or don't want to work.
fortunate and lucky...

lets see.. I left home at 14.. (bad situation). Payed rent the last 2.5 years of highschool, worked 2 jobs during that same time so I could eat and have clothes.. I also paid for every dime of my education and pushed myself in the process.. I was also with my own issues of drugs, alcohol and other counterproductive behavior..

I see nothing fortunate about having been forced into taking care of my own needs nor lucky about no family support either..

I am pretty tired of "Oh I can not get a break"

I was an alcoholic druggie by the time I was old enough to legally drink... I made my own luck and got breaks because I worked my fool butt off... I see people getting free food, free educations, free housing and still sitting there crying "oh poor me"

screw'em and let em sink... they are there because they want to be.

And before you tell me it was racial.. I was in fact in the minority where I went to schools (Las Vegas NM and Pueble CO) I had to watch my back every day from the little grease balls that figured I target .

I think this story could apply to a lot of people that happen to be self sufficient and self employed... (Oh and more importantly, not a BURDEN on society)
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So how about that SilverSurfer? Was Mr. bogus' last post "right from the talk radio script" too?

The entire history of the most prosperous and powerful country in the world was a capitalist history. Now President Obama wants to make a complete switch to Socialism because of a severe recession. The problem with that justification is that all the of countries in the world are suffering from this GLOBAL Recession - even the socialist countries.
Like they say, if you want to live like a Republican, vote Democrat... we'll see how big a difference between the talk and reality becomes soon enough.

And remember the Golden Rule: He with the Gold makes the Rules.

Don't see the government making my life easier any time soon.
Why dont you make life easier for yourself instead of asking your neighbors ( AKA Government ) to do it for you. It actually isnt that hard!
Why dont you make life easier for yourself instead of asking your neighbors ( AKA Government ) to do it for you. It actually isnt that hard!

Tell that to these guys:

Jobless rate bolts to 8.1 percent, 651K jobs lost
Jobless rate jumps to 8.1 percent in Feb., highest since late 1983; employers cut 651,000 jobs
Anyone see the guy from the union workers make his statement about GM declaring bankruptcy?

"I blame da Merican public, Deetroit put da world on 4 wheels"

I think I wet my pants laughing... blaming the Amercian consumers? but he also thinks we should be supporting them at 100% wages and benefits.. isn't that "Socialist" ?

I think that single statement made me want to buy anything but an American made car...

I think a lot of us (meaning conservatives) "predicted" that the money thrown into GM and detroit was going to be a throwaway, you can not subsidize a loosing business model..
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If we kicked out all of the illegal aliens out of this country and then some fat and lazy americans dont mind working in the fields and the chicken plants we wouldnt have an unemployment problem, then the only unemployment we would have is the usual amount of people that wouldnt work under any cicumstances anyway.
If we kicked out all of the illegal aliens out of this country and then some fat and lazy americans dont mind working in the fields and the chicken plants we wouldnt have an unemployment problem, then the only unemployment we would have is the usual amount of people that wouldnt work under any cicumstances anyway.

Good luck with that one :laugh:
If we kicked out all of the illegal aliens out of this country and then some fat and lazy americans dont mind working in the fields and the chicken plants we wouldnt have an unemployment problem, then the only unemployment we would have is the usual amount of people that wouldnt work under any cicumstances anyway.
we could go for 1/4 of them *about 3M people.. that would provide some room for the over achieving auto workers that are out of work..

I still think if you are willing to work, there are jobs.. maybe not at $18+ benefits but entry level with places to advance too as you show your willingness to work.. (oops that awful W word again) ..
Have seen healthy young men come into Wal-Mart and pay for groceries with food stamps.

So what? I have had good hard soldiers who have qualified for food stamps. Makes me sick but I guess they just don't work hard enough defending your freedom or else they would not need food stamps, right?

This is exactly the judgemental attitude that gets us nowhere.
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