Update between creekboy and i

Donation sent...
Dude deserves it
Captain, Sorry that you had to get involved with this. I agree that we should move on from this and I will not post any thing else about it on here. Everyone knows what happened and that is more than enough for me. Thanks to each and eveyone that has helped me with this until now. I had no idea the support and pm's that I would get from all of you trying to keep updated and help me out. You are all a very great group of individuals and per Caps request, I will no longer comment about what happened on here.
So this has been going on for awhile now and I'm as ready for this to be gone as I am the 5k raffle. (Come on April 15) Anyway several folks have voiced that they want to help usmcbusa out financially. I created a new paypal email specifically for this and that way you can send a buck or two if you choose to. I think that we are showing that although a member was taken advantage of, as a group we will rise above this too. Lets keep all the negative garbage out of this thread and just focus on the good stuff........ I will collect for a few days then send this over to USMCBUSA......

By the way Marine, Thank you for what you do for us each and every day....... Keeping my country safe.....

If you want to shoot a couple bucks to usmcbusa and make a point then you can paypal to USMCBUSA
usmc-1@hayabusa.org this is his paypal addy right.
So this has been going on for awhile now and I'm as ready for this to be gone as I am the 5k raffle. (Come on April 15) Anyway several folks have voiced that they want to help usmcbusa out financially. I created a new paypal email specifically for this and that way you can send a buck or two if you choose to. I think that we are showing that although a member was taken advantage of, as a group we will rise above this too. Lets keep all the negative garbage out of this thread and just focus on the good stuff........ I will collect for a few days then send this over to USMCBUSA......

By the way Marine, Thank you for what you do for us each and every day....... Keeping my country safe.....

If you want to shoot a couple bucks to usmcbusa and make a point then you can paypal to USMCBUSA
usmc-1@hayabusa.org this is his paypal addy right.
usmc-1@hayabusa.org this is his paypal addy right.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what to say guys and gals. I have never had a group of people do something like this for me. With me and Jen getting ready to move this will allow me to get my bike back together before I ship off and maybe get alittle riding time in. I am working with smokin_guns to have the bike repainted after I replace a few parts. After shipping is paid and I pay him (which he didn't ask for), if any money is left it will come back to the site to help out the Cap and all of the members here. Again I am speachless that you guys are willing to do this. My wife and I both thank you.
Thanks alot Ron, you have helped me alot already. I hope everything works out for you outside the board. Pm sent.

As a former Marine I know that you are preparing for deployment and you dont need the crap you have been dealt...But if there is any consolation look at this board, the members here have stepped up
and I would feel honored to help you so I am sending $ 20 your way Good Luck and "SEMPER FI" JARHEAD

Thanks to everyone who is trying help me get my bike back together. Very, very great group of people here.
A little help is on the way. Thanks for serving US proud.