Trump and the news media

Just yesterday trump gave his impression of Mitch’s brain freeze, staying silent for a half minute! Are these episodes mini strokes?

BTW, Biden has pretty much overcome a lifelong speech impediment and stutter. You want to make fun of him choose something else.

Joe biden has spent his whole life in political office. We have plenty of video of him over the decades making speeches,... saying racist stuff, sniffing children and inappropriately feeling on them, plenty of video of him having to take back lies he's said about things like being in civil rights movements, getting caught plagiarizing others speaches...but (oddly) none of him doing this stutter you speak of.... I'm from the show me me please and don't post video of the last 5 years where he's having a hell of a time reading the teleprompter or dozing off or trying to repeat what's being told to him to say.

Is this video here a good example of the shuddering you speak of?
Let’s wait until after the second debate to form an opinion of who will possess best health and cognitive abilities 4 years from today.

Will be great if Biden agrees to Trump’s suggestion of a joint drug test prior to each debate, so at least we know the playing field is level.
Let’s wait until after the second debate to form an opinion of who will possess best health and cognitive abilities 4 years from today.

Will be great if Biden agrees to Trump’s suggestion of a joint drug test prior to each debate, so at least we know the playing field is level.

Highly unlikely. Remember in the first debates Trump wanted biden to agree to being searched for a ear piece and they wouldnt do it?
Joe biden has spent his whole life in political office. We have plenty of video of him over the decades making speeches,... saying racist stuff, sniffing children and inappropriately feeling on them, plenty of video of him having to take back lies he's said about things like being in civil rights movements, getting caught plagiarizing others speaches...but (oddly) none of him doing this stutter you speak of.... I'm from the show me me please and don't post video of the last 5 years where he's having a hell of a time reading the teleprompter or dozing off or trying to repeat what's being told to him to say.

Is this video here a good example of the shuddering you speak of?
That video is a good example of the passion Biden has always had. He's 82 now and if any of us are as sharp cognitively at 82, good on us. It's making fun of his declining abilities that I was referring to. It's a cheap shot. No, he's probably not fit to serve another 4 years, but neither is Trump.
As far as racism, all the context revolves around his sticking to his opinion that busing was not the answer to desegregation, housing was. It's not far fetched or racist.
That video is a good example of the passion Biden has always had. He's 82 now and if any of us are as sharp cognitively at 82, good on us. It's making fun of his declining abilities that I was referring to. It's a cheap shot. No, he's probably not fit to serve another 4 years, but neither is Trump.
As far as racism, all the context revolves around his sticking to his opinion that busing was not the answer to desegregation, housing was. It's not far fetched or racist.
I may be wrong, but I think there is a chance that he drops out of the race and gets replaced by Gavin Newsome or someone else.
I may be wrong, but I think there is a chance that he drops out of the race and gets replaced by Gavin Newsome or someone else.
Hi. Who thinks Trump will win? I do not as Biden has the votes in the bag. Under the table. After all was not Biden there when they walked on the moon? Did he not beat up Con Pop? How can Trump beat that.
Joe biden has spent his whole life in political office. We have plenty of video of him over the decades making speeches,... saying racist stuff, sniffing children and inappropriately feeling on them, plenty of video of him having to take back lies he's said about things like being in civil rights movements, getting caught plagiarizing others speaches...but (oddly) none of him doing this stutter you speak of.... I'm from the show me me please and don't post video of the last 5 years where he's having a hell of a time reading the teleprompter or dozing off or trying to repeat what's being told to him to say.

Is this video here a good example of the shuddering you speak of?
What is interesting about that video, despite his speech having no problem compared to today, is that I lived through the apartheid years in South Africa. So I experienced what he was talking about. What he did not tell you, is that the USA strongly supported the ruling South African party at that time, but behind the scenes, so the US did not get hit with propaganda. This just shows you how insincere these politicians are, they talk about despicable governments while at the the same time supporting them strongly behind the scenes, accepting donations, and socializing with them.

Why did the US support South Africa during the apartheid years? Simple answer is because back then revolutionaries were the ANC, who had alliances with the Soviet Union, Cuba and all America's enemies. The US did not want the Cape Sea route to fall into the hands of the Soviet Union, during the cold war, as it is a strategic route.

How do I know this? I worked for a Fortune 10 American company based in South Africa. All the company did, is change the name slightly and have imaginary share holders registered in South Africa holding shares in the local company. We use to transfer around $400 million into a US account quarterly. What was it like? The Trade Union of the company had two objectives, one being create a revolution in the country, two being take care of the workers. It was a nightmare to manage. I use to spend a lot of time here in the US oiling the money pipeline, with the assistance of the US Secretary of the interior back then.

How did it end? The Soviet Union was disbanded, there was no longer a threat to losing the Cape Sea Route to the Soviets, Mandela was released and free elections followed. Same year the nuclear capability was dismantled by the US. The ANC today still has strong alliances with Russia and all our enemies, but it is no longer a major threat to the US.

Why is the Cape Sea Route so important? Because if war in the Middle East blocks the Suez Canal, the only other option is the Cape Sea route.

The above is history from me who lived through this personally, and it will be disputed by anyone who's only source of information is the media.

Today, South Africa rates as number one for crime in Africa and it rates number three in the world for intentional murders per capita. In comparison, the USA rates 55th on the list and Canada rates 112th.

In short, that video sure was a blast from the past for me.

That may have been a thread hijack, but it relates directly to the Biden Video, which is a prime example of the greatest insincerity ever committed by a politician.
I may be wrong, but I think there is a chance that he drops out of the race and gets replaced by Gavin Newsome or someone else.
I hope you’re right and I agree that there’s a chance. Newsome is polarized but I think he would be a better choice. My gut tells me Biden is the best chance to win for Democrats but not the best answer for our country.
Joe biden has spent his whole life in political office.
Same goes for Trump maybe not politically but he has lived his entire life in the public eye. He is on video, many years ago, talking about the reform party's mistake of accepting David Duke's endorsement because he is a racists (Trump's words). Then years later, he is own TV again, pretending to not know who he is. Like Biden, Trump can't shut up, there is an endless supply of his nonsense.
When I was in 5th grade in Boise ID I befriended a kid who happened to stutter. If he stuttered in class he was spanked for it. That’s right, he was spanked for his stutter. After a few spankings he wouldn’t speak to anyone unless he absolutely had to. When we spoke outside all it took was patience on my part which he appreciated immensely. Most people he said would try to finish his sentence or become impatient and just walk away. Overcoming this affliction must be very very hard. I hope his life went better than his public schooling did.
I spotted numerous small examples, his stuttering has certainly gotten worse with age but is that so surprising??? Here you go, you asked for it..

Thanks for sharing that MonkeyButt. The last sentence, that dealing with his stutter is a huge reason for his determination and grit, tells a story for a lot of us. How we deal with adversity really challenges our character.
She adamantly denies having interest and I totally respect how she feels. That said, I think she would win by a considerable margin.
Same here...

I would vote for an all-red ticket if it had Liz and Adam on it, I wouldn't even care what the order is. Those two were some of the last republicans that had any dignity and honor, and they were not afraid of ending their political careers to stand up for what is right. They never wavered, not once and I respect the hell out of that.
Same here...

I would vote for an all-red ticket if it had Liz and Adam on it, I wouldn't even care what the order is. Those two were some of the last republicans that had any dignity and honor, and they were not afraid of ending their political careers to stand up for what is right. They never wavered, not once and I respect the hell out of that.
Kinzinger? He and Cheney would set this political climate on it's ear. I'd go there too.
That video is a good example of the passion Biden has always had. He's 82 now and if any of us are as sharp cognitively at 82, good on us. It's making fun of his declining abilities that I was referring to. It's a cheap shot. No, he's probably not fit to serve another 4 years, but neither is Trump.
As far as racism, all the context revolves around his sticking to his opinion that busing was not the answer to desegregation, housing was. It's not far fetched or racist.

I didn't bother to watch the video I just grabbed the first one off youtube for a example. I just watched it now though and yes he was just as passionate when he told black people that they aren't black if they don't vote for him. Imagine if Trump said that. There'd been riots and looting for weeks.
There are several other racist statements with pedo joe but why even mention at this point
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Same goes for Trump maybe not politically but he has lived his entire life in the public eye. He is on video, many years ago, talking about the reform party's mistake of accepting David Duke's endorsement because he is a racists (Trump's words). Then years later, he is own TV again, pretending to not know who he is. Like Biden, Trump can't shut up, there is an endless supply of his nonsense.
Not familiar with that particular that your mentioning but if we're comparing nonsense between Trump and biden...there is no comparison. Joe is the gift that keeps on giving his entire life