Traffic courts to watch out for in nc


I spoke with a lawyer today about a speeding citation (72 in 55) that I got from a NC State Trooper on hwy 86. I spoke to the lawyer because the trooper said he clocked me with rear facing radar while we were traveling in opposite directions. I was reffered to this lawyer with the explanation that "he could get you out of anything in this state". Well he proceeded to tell me that this is the only district he can't get speeding reduced to improper equipment (which is a common reduction in this state for clean driving record). He said "if a Tropper cites you for f#@!ing a monkey, the DA's will try to prosecute you for f!@#ing a monkey". If you are in this area NC hwy 86, 150, 158 know what you're up against!
They dont have a safe driving class throught the afety and Health council?
If you get it dropped to 70 in a 55 you will save your self insurance points.
I'm not sure about NC but here in Washington, you can get a "Change of Venue" and get your ticket moved to another county if you don't feel you can get a fair shake in the county the citation was written.

Any radar ticket can be beat. We have an attorney here that many of my friends as well as myself use for traffic tickets. I have never heard of this guy loosing a radar ticket. If I were you, I'd do a search for a Traffic Only Attorney?
if said monkey was mis-behaving....

do you spank it?

Craven county ain't even that bad. I'll be back there by the end of the year too.
Radar technology has come a long way. The radar units these days with dual antenna can measure multiple vehicles and single out the fasted vehicle in a pack in same directionand opposite direction in a moving mode and also in stationary mode. I am a police officer in Florida and as long as the radar unit gets it's calibration every 6 months, the officer is certified to operate radar and the officer maintains his radar logs, you'll more than likely lose in court in my area of Florida. Typically when someone hires a lawyer in my area, the lawyer pleads no contest for his client and asks for a withhold of adjudication. If the officer does not object to that, then the judge will grant the motion. They will then look at the driving history to see if there are prior withholds of adjudication and whether or not to send the Defendnat to a driving school. Most officers do not object to that motion. Frankly I don't care what happens. The fines these days are plenty punishment enough. If someone has to hire a lawyer, then that is just more money spent. For me I just hope everyone rides safely. I've seen too many crashes in my 16 years of police work. Please be careful out there. Ride safe.