Thoughts on Language

I have to apologize, because I too have strayed from the original topic of language :rulez:
Whoa i was not asking about what anyone should do if they come here. However what is wrong with a country being multilingual. Look at Canada and most other countries in the world.
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I think it is awesome. I have tried many times to learn french and spanish both.... I just cant retain it. Wish I was forced at an early age to learn it.
I work in an Arab country,while there is a PUSH here for them to learn English,I took it upon myself to learn Arabic (spoken),it has broadened by horizons,made my job easier,opened dorrs for me and made me more markitable.
GOOD THREAD!:beerchug:

IMO If I go on vacation somewhere, I'm not gonna learn the language. If they want tourism, they can make it easy for me.

BUT, I would NEVER EVER move to a foreign country without a real command of at least one other language, besides english, spoken there.

For instance, my wife and I have considered moving to the Netherlands, but Dutch is supposed to be hard to learn and they get pissed if you speak it poorly, so we were gonna learn German, as it's easier to learn and widely used. So I've been told.

GOOD THREAD!:beerchug:

IMO If I go on vacation somewhere, I'm not gonna learn the language. If they want tourism, they can make it easy for me.

BUT, I would NEVER EVER move to a foreign country without a real command of at least one other language, besides english, spoken there.

For instance, my wife and I have considered moving to the Netherlands, but Dutch is supposed to be hard to learn and they get pissed if you speak it poorly, so we were gonna learn German, as it's easier to learn and widely used. So I've been told.


Most people in the Netherlands speak English along with Dutch.. You'll be okay.
The USA has always been a melting pot of mankind. The use of English has been a part of the melting together. Without the requirement to learn English people are not becoming part of the USA. They are remaining part of what ever country they came from. I work for a cannery with a large Mexican work force. A large percentage don't speak English. How am I to warn them of danger or at least tell them to take their break?
They tell me to learn spanish. I tell them "I could or I could move to the USA!"
The USA has always been a melting pot of mankind. The use of English has been a part of the melting together. Without the requirement to learn English people are not becoming part of the USA. They are remaining part of what ever country they came from. I work for a cannery with a large Mexican work force. A large percentage don't speak English. How am I to warn them of danger or at least tell them to take their break?
They tell me to learn spanish. I tell them "I could or I could move to the USA!"

Perfect example why are you so resistant to learn Spanish? Sure they should also learn English but that should not prevent you from learning Spanish.
Posted via Mobile Device
Perfect example why are you so resistant to learn Spanish? Sure they should also learn English but that should not prevent you from learning Spanish.
Posted via Mobile Device

Good point.. If you ever wanted to learn the colloquial spanish spoken around you, you couldn't be in a better situation.

I work in an Arab country,while there is a PUSH here for them to learn English,I took it upon myself to learn Arabic (spoken),it has broadened by horizons,made my job easier,opened dorrs for me and made me more markitable.
I think we need electronic ear buds that can turn on any language. 2 buds one for you and one for the person you are talking to if need be. Sooner or later this will happen.
Posted by BusaWhipped
{Tendré que arrancarse mis pantaletas grandes de chica}

LMAO...ah hahahaha
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we can sugar coat it..we can talk around it...but the fact is, this is not about 'learning english". this country has survived many different waves of immigration, and all of them have had the same issues with "learning english".

we have :
little italy
little saigon
korea town
china town
east LA
south central

each is a part of town that is populated by a specific group of people, they all speak a different language, or a different dialect of english....but the only time it really pisses people off is when its mexicans, and the spanish language.

if i drive into the city of Garden Grove, i will signs in vietnamese....hell even the McDonalds has a sign in "thier" language.

the problem here is that you are looking at immigrants, and expecting them to be "american" , when that is not realistic....those germans, and italians and irish immigrants did not become "american" it took several generations....just like it will take several generations for mexicans, latinos to assimilate.

talk to your italian to your korean friend, ask them about thier family.....i guarantee you they will be able to tell you about a parent, grandparent or great grandparent that never learned the language, that was too old and never became american....go to a mall or shopping center and you can see it first hand. older people from other countries, wearing traditional clothing and talking a native with thier young children who are typical american kids....
we can sugar coat it..we can talk around it...but the fact is, this is not about 'learning english". this country has survived many different waves of immigration, and all of them have had the same issues with "learning english".

we have :
little italy
little saigon
korea town
china town
east LA
south central

each is a part of town that is populated by a specific group of people, they all speak a different language, or a different dialect of english....but the only time it really pisses people off is when its mexicans, and the spanish language.

if i drive into the city of Garden Grove, i will signs in vietnamese....hell even the McDonalds has a sign in "thier" language.

the problem here is that you are looking at immigrants, and expecting them to be "american" , when that is not realistic....those germans, and italians and irish immigrants did not become "american" it took several generations....just like it will take several generations for mexicans, latinos to assimilate.

talk to your italian to your korean friend, ask them about thier family.....i guarantee you they will be able to tell you about a parent, grandparent or great grandparent that never learned the language, that was too old and never became american....go to a mall or shopping center and you can see it first hand. older people from other countries, wearing traditional clothing and talking a native with thier young children who are typical american kids....

Just an FYI...mexicans are not the only people who speak spanish that come to our country illegally. Lots of Cubans, and Dominicans come thru Florida daily. Not to mention the Haitians, Jamaicans and many others. So focus on the issue not the specific country they come from.
Just an FYI...mexicans are not the only people who speak spanish that come to our country illegally. Lots of Cubans, and Dominicans come thru Florida daily. Not to mention the Haitians, Jamaicans and many others. So focus on the issue not the specific country they come from.

"just like it will take several generations for mexicans, latinos to assimilate."

Latino - Main Entry: La·ti·no
Pronunciation: \lə-ˈtē-(ˌ)nō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural La·ti·nos
Etymology: American Spanish, probably short for latinoamericano Latin American
Date: 1946
1 : a native or inhabitant of Latin America
2 : a person of Latin-American origin living in the United States
— Latino adjective

i am speaking from my perspective, we do not get a lot of Cubans,Haitians or Jamaicans immigrating to this side of the might have something to do with the distance?
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