The worlds best motorcycle roads

Some of the photos from the places you guys ride,
 make me drool.

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It's a video listing of all the best mountain pass rides in Switzerland. I have done the Klausenpass, but only by car. On the way up, you pass hundreds of cyclists, really struggling. At the top, the views are fatastic, with a cafe and a small chapel, Swiss Alps all round. . On the way down, you can't keep up with the best cyclists. Hundreds of Motorbikes at the weekends
Rode Rte 36 from south of Eureka to I5 in NorCal. The ride starts among the giant redwoods and there is not much traffic. Do not miss it if you go anywhere near there.
Go to:
It's a video listing of all the best mountain pass rides in Switzerland.
On a similar note, if you don't mind drooling over some vids (not that you sick bastard
) is the Road MC site:

This fella has been filming all over Europe. What I always get a kick out of if he's got rear and front mounted bullet cams, and a toggle switch with his buds in back and front. Then at the end, they also bend down in front of the camera (not that either you sick bastard
) and talk and laugh about the road. Cool stuff.

must be nice to have some good winding roads around... im stuck in hawaii where the longest stretch of good riding road is about 2 miles
I hope not all of our American cousins think the World ends at the USA borders! One of the worst article titling I've seen yet.

Best I've ridden is the Riviera highway between Monaco and the Italian coastal cliffs (Montenero). The French Alps are amazing too!

Mike B
Ah yes --cali and nevada  108 sonora pass rocks , Hy 4 even has a jump on it,and it's mostly 1st and second gear on a Busa..just SICK. Hy 338 speed a curve combo's--sweet , Hy 49 from Oakhurst to Coulterville ..1000 curves and then some , Virgina city the truck route is killer but has a 35 mph limit on now. Hy89 Monitor pass is always fun. the 299 near chico rocks to. Hy 70 from the west going east is sick and beautiful too.
Hy 3 to Hayfort is Dakin'. Kingsbury grade in the 80's 207 is a bikers dream but not anymore...traffic and cops. just fergetabout it...and ofcourse any straightaway is fun on a Busa.....    
pic from Columbia CA---
