Thank you, LCB!!!

That's awesome!!! She was sweet and sent along a movie for the whole family that, surprise, surprise, we hadn't seen yet! Thank you so much Lisa...very thoughtful!

P.S. The kids LOVED the H-D wrapping paper

boondocks ROCKS !!!!!!!
finally bought a copy just a week a go !!!!
the people here are so awesome !! great job Lisa !!!!
Awww shucks - it wasn't nuthin'.... *it's true, really... they were all on sale!*

Enjoy folks - nothing like a good flick when you haven't got the best weather to ride. Semi - I expect a review of each flick - I gave you my .02 so I want to hear what you thought of them. Va - that's a neat movie for you and the kiddies, hope you like it as much as my kids and I did. Thanks to all of you for the kind words - you are great friends!
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