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Suomy helmets: whatcha know 'bout 'em?


Nov 7, 2003
I've already had and wore out, from years of use, not polishing concrete, a Shoei RF900 and an Arai Quantum. Suomy makes some real nice-lookin' lidz, so I wanted to know what the 'Busa crew knows about them, fit- and comfort-wise. I already asked Thrasherfox what he knew, but, since he pours all his extra cash into go-fast accessories and TREs, he's po'-fo'-sho' and don't know nuthin'.

He said you knuckleheads would know sumpthin', so I'm callin' y'all to task:

Does Suomy make a nice, comfy helmet, or is it one of them cheapie, styrofoam-concrete hybrids? Yeah, I know that Suomys get pricey, but I want to know more as far as quality, and the local store doesn't stock them.
they are graphically some of the best done lids out there.

they not only meet all the of the DOT certs...but also that British cert as well...you'll have to see their website for specifics.

they are comfy...well ventillated, strong and some of the very lightest available....

However....having 2 SPEC1R lids in our garage right now...I can attest that they do sacrafice a bit of sound proofing to achieve the ventillation.

It may not bother most....but when I go for LONG rides...I try to remember ear plugs.   I can only take the wind droning for so long.

I have no questions on the shell integrity...my bean would be safe if threatened.....get one and watch the DVD that comes with them....they show the process.

If I can find one of my DVDs, I'll rip the movie and post it.
I have a Gunwind Ben Bostrom rep. On top of all the certs the built in breath protector excelent ventilation it is the lightest helmet I have owned.
I have a Spec1R and a Extreme,both are comfortable,they run a lttle small,so get a size larger than you normally wear.The Extreme is by far the better of the 2,cool and the graphics are the best,wear ear plugs,with all that cooling come noise.NJ.
it ain't a cheapie styrofoam-concrete hybrid, that's for sure.

They're one of the top helmet manufacturers. Graphics are excellent, fit an finish are second to none.

Spec1-R's flow a good amount of air. The Spec1-R Extreme flows even better. Noise will be a problem, as the others up there mentioned. It's noisy for a reason, though: massive airflow.

I have an Extreme...and it's an awesome lid. I love the quality and I'll definitely feel safe in it (God forbid) if I ever have to "polish concrete".

So yeah, they can get pricey...but you're definitely getting a good helmet. My .02, at any rate.
I have a Spec1R and a Extreme,both are comfortable,they run a lttle small,so get a size larger than you normally wear.The Extreme is by far the better of the 2,cool and the graphics are the best,wear ear plugs,with all that cooling come noise.NJ.
Nitrousjunkie posted that the Suomy helmets run a bit small, so I should get one a size larger. How's anyone else's spin on that claim? I'm asking because it's a **jump** from medium to large, and, since the local dealer doesn't stock Suomys (LOTS of HJCs, BTW), I'm going to have to buy one online.

Also, I fit perfectly in the Arai Quantum shape, so do you have an opinion on Suomys as far as that fit-capacity? My Shoei RF900 kind of pressed on my forehead, which wasn't a big deal until I took off my helmet and had to go teach a class with a big red spot on my forehead. How say you?
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