story time


orange peel is caused by excessive speed
Donating Member
its now 8:45 pm tuesday and I'm just about to go to sleep.

I am telling my story so wwjd can hear.

so it all started monday night about 6:30. My girlfriend is going to the university of kansas this next fall for law school. She decided on sunday that she was going to drive down there monday and find an apt. to live in. I had to work so I couldn't go along.

she calls me about 6:30pm monday night and said she won't be home cuz her car broke down. She didn't know what was wrong and was waiting for a cop to show up.

Another call about 6:45pm. Its her again asking me to come get her.
She was on the north side of kansas city. Its about 360mi to where she was. So I leave my place promptly at 7pm.

I stop in ames, ia (home of the cyclones) to get gas. There are massive thunderstorms everywhere. The wind is like 50mph and the rain is pouring down. I'm under this canopy thing but the wind is blowing so hard it doesn't matter. I"m getting soaked. I decided I should check my oil before continuing on my 4 hr long journy. Just as I grab the dipstick I hear the loudest thunder crash I've EVER heard in my life. So loud that the concussion knocks me on the ground. After I get up and compose myself after screaming holy F**K!!!
Imagine the loudest thunder you've ever heard and times it by 10. Yeah it was that loud!!!

I look at the gas station to see numerous people staring out the window looking like this
. I went inside to pay for my gas and the attendent asked if I was ok. I said yeah just fine but if that wasn't enough to give a guy a heart attack I don't know what would. He asked if I had seen it. I said no not knowing what he was talking about.

Come to find out lightning struck the aluminum canopy not more that 15ft above my head just a few seconds ago. It knocked out all the pumps and all the power to the building. Thats as close as I ever want to come to getting struck again.

What a way to start off a 700 mi trip only 90 mi into it. So I brave these tornado producing, flood rain storms for about another 100 mi.

I finally arrive at kansas city at 11:15pm and get my girl from these very nice people and blast off for home knowing I need to be home in time for work in the morning.

Drove quite fast all the way down and all the way back and managed to arrive back home at my place at 3:flamethrowing: am this morning.
700 mi in 8.5 hrs. Thats pretty good considering I stopped for gas twice and had to weather storms for 200 mi.

just thought I should share. I got 2 hrs of sleep and have been living on redbull all day and now I"m starting to crash. Night all. Keep the rubber side down.


You are damn luck. Your Angel was looking over you. I know I have been hit by lighting (some day I will share that story), I NEVER NEVER WANT TO GET HIT AGAIN. I was not injured at all, I think my angel took the jolt for me. Let me tell you I know what you are saying about the explosion, it was like a land mind going off 2 feet from you. Thank god you were grounded.
Well Guardian angel meet fstbusa....fstbusa meet Guardian angel. You know I don't know who's stories make me want to shout to most yours or Icemanns from a few days ago. You should be sending up a little (hmhmhm a lot of) praise for your protection. Thank you Jesus for you Grace!

HOLY CHROME!!! Talk about a dedicated boyfriend you are! That's amazing, glad it missed you. I'd heard it was loud when it hits close, that HAD to be deafening!!! Storms rocked the casbah here too. I can't BELIEVE you went to KC in that. KC was ALSO getting hit a friend down there told me. I think we got 3-4 inches of rain in about 30 minutes. I couldn't tell if I was watching the news or more movie trailer ads for "The day after tomorrow"
Glad it all worked out. You ARE her hero!

Glad to hear you and yours are safe. I simply can't imagine anything THAT loud.
If you were a cat I would say you used up 1 of 9 lifes.
Glad to hear you made it okay and definitely know someone was looking out for you. Believe they knew you were doing a good deed for your girl and needed to be rewarded. Thank your lucky stars!
Glad you made it out of all that ok! I went to KU - awesome school & great campus. You might have read my adventure at the train bridge outside of town there