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speed wobbles


Oct 26, 2008
hi guys,

under hard acceleration from a rolling start in first gear i shifted my butt back, and instead of the front end coming up in a smooth power wheelie, i got speed wobbles that persisted as i shifted into second. i tried again, a couple lights up, and the same... last week the same set of circumstances had me doing a slick little power wheelie. i would be lying if i said that didnt like it... raw torque pushing hard on the headset... any thoughts guys?

i will continue my experiment tomorrow on the way to and from work.:tongue:
I can feel the front tire in 1st and 2nd on a hard WOT pull danceing[left/right ] slighty due to the front end barely touching the ground. Is this what you are experienceing?
Check the front and rear suspension, if all is good and there are no mechanical defects, you are probably the cause. shift your weight and loosen your grip on the bars, lighten up on the throttle.
If you want to get rid of the problem, and you are not willing to let off the throttle, put a GPR on it, set it around #10. If you don't believe me, ask Captain and Racer V how many times the GPR saved them in bad situations. The GPR has saved me many times. Invest in one and you will not regret it. They are cheap when compared to the price of a "get off".
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i did some checking last night, and all looks well. i am thinking that instead of using a soft controlled grip on the bars, i was pulling. i intend to take her over to an abandoned parking lot for some testing after work.
You could also try putting a heavier weight oil in the stock stabilizer. This is nowhere as good as a nice GPR stabilizer, but does help some riders.
Check your front tires air pressure and for out of round has it been sitting for a long time?
nice point jeeps on the front tire. I run 42psi; I know alot of guys run lower. But the roads where I live,it handles better for me. My tip off that my f/tire is low is when I make a rolling turn at a corner; you get that spongy feeling[unstable].
I',m not in to twisties. I love to throttle down comeing out of a bend while banking it going into a long straightway. I use mine to cruise and straight lines more than anything,so 42 is my number. When I swapped out the my last back tire,all center tread was gone ; but the Sides where you lean looked new LOL.
Nice advice on the stablizers too
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I think i was experiencing the same type of thing on my GenII. At high speeds its just felt like the steering was to just way to lose. Slapped on a GPR v4 the other day and :beerchug:
no more wobbly feeling! Thing is genius. I bought mine on ebay for 384.oo from one of those ebay stores. :thumbsup:
hi all,
ok, so what i determined is that it was me. too aggressive on the bars at the 1>2 shift, front end pops up, and i turn the wheel. i used to run equipment, and a soft touch is what you need on hydraulic controls. all input smooth, and my bike behaves beautifully. herky jerky inputs give, well you know. I have put just about 8k in the last year and a half, and at times i really make her walk, and talk, and then other times i ride like the grandpa i am.

thanks fellow busa riders! this board rocks.
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