Red & Gray left lower in stock and cheap


Do to a shipping mix up while I was vacationing Sunrise has a brand new left side lower in stock. If anybody is interested in this piece I will sell it for dealer cost plus 10% (better to sell cheap than send back) This would make the price 360.00 plus shipping. If interested call me at Sunrise (800) 992-0127 ask for Jim
Welcome back Jim. Hope you had a good time. Will be in early next week for that Pilot and PC2 if it's still there.

Jim, Hayabusero recommended you. I had a get-off on my copper, and need both lowers and the front piece, as well as various other parts still. I'm about halfway done on my R&R. I'll try to call you, but am pretty busy with work. What hours are you around? I'm in San Diego.

You could e-mail me at with a price, shipping, etc., on those three panels, if you want. I'm holding off ordering them from the local shop, at least till I can get a price quote from you. Only requirement I have is that I want Suzuki OEM parts, not knock-offs.

Thanks much for your help.