Rant from a Machinist

If you don't leave and take up one of the offers (great Org members!), then call a lawyer immediately; don't wait for something to happen. You need to know now what are your rights. Then your management needs to know.

At my office, one of the partners always says "reality is 90% perception." Meaning that you can be the best, but what really counts is whether you're the kiss-azz. Sad, but true. Good luck.
I'm not saying anything that would end his sorry life but something that would maim him and put him in a different career like maybe licking stamps because his hands are gone.

Good one.
Kinda sounds like you are not willing to make a move to improve your economic & emotional situation. That's too bad. Lots of time people are too comfortable when they have been employed long term at a particular place. There are better places out there, as shown in this thread. You can bet your "manager" has had raises over the years. The bullying will not stop on its own. If the upper level management knows you are contemplating an official government complaint, they will likely fire you and use performance as a reason. I wish you luck in your current situation and would bet most following this thread thinks you should move on to one of the other offers. A 2 hour drive/ride is not bad considering the improved conditions and future option of relocation.