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Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? Pro-Abortion?...

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Donating Member
Jun 12, 2007

This is a hot button topic so please respect everyone's opinion. If your opinon is so strong that you can't voice it without putting someone else down please respect everyone and keep it to yourself.

My purpose is twofold:

1) To solely illicit analytical thought not to provoke anyone. This topic is often argued from an emotional point of view (with good reason) and it is my desire to approach it from a different angle, that of the secondary and tertiary implications.

2) Relieve the boredom induced by being unable to ride because of a forced attachment to the cube where I make a living.

Ok this is sort of a spill over from the thread in the Politics section, but I would like to see it transcend the 2008 election discussion.

I'll start with my point of view.

I think there is a vast difference between being Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. I believe that pro-choice can also be anti-abortion, it is for me and maybe many others.

I will offer these definitions:

Pro-life - to believe that the unborn have the same right to life as you and I and legislation should be put into place that makes abortion illegal.

Pro-choice - to believe that it is every person’s right to decide what is best for them and their personal well being and medical procedures should not be legislated.

* If you disagree with these or would like to offer up better ones please do. I only provided these so that there would be a common understanding of where I am coming from.

Here we go...

I do not believe it is possible within the context of our legal system to legislate abortion as illegal. To make abortion illegal you must recognize that the unborn has all the rights that you and I have, not just the right to live. What I mean by this is that you can not bestow the right to life but only protect that right from abortion. You must protect and defend that right from any and all threats just as you would any other human being. Thus you would have to be willing to protect an unborn child from it's own mother if she were to engage in behavior that endangered the life of the baby growing inside her.


my thoughts r you like slappin bears n say "here, kitty-kitty" to the tigers in the zoo:moon:
good luk with this thread

my thoughts r you like slappin bears n say "here, kitty-kitty" to the tigers in the zoo:moon:
good luk with this thread

I hope not becasue as I said I am seeking analytical thought nothing else.
pro-choice.... just my two cents.... **** HAPPENS.... the world is a bad enough place as it is.... why make it worse?

Once the Govt can tell us what to do or NOT do with our bodies, we will be walking around with "Property of US Govt" stamps on our foreheads....

and I'm a woman.... I think it is ULTIMATELY the WOMAN'S choice.... I know all of you guys who are chomping at the bit to be good single fathers.... (that was sarcasm BTW)...

I see the products of UNWANTED children everyday... I call students' parents who could care less about their CHILD or where or what they are doing.... heck... we could of nipped this in the bud WAY back about 15 yrs ago when they got KNOCKED UP... but hey.. keep it up... it's job security for ME!
I would like to start by saying this "God is the only one that can give life an take it away" He is our creator and provider ant I don think any person has the right of deciding on other people life. But who we are to judge people or make then change their minds about abortion. I will never said anything about a person how had an abortion I just let God take that decision until his own hands cause one day will all are going to on his present and He is going to ask us about all the thing we did good or bad and he will do as he best think is right.

Just thin of this for one moment you can into this life and you are enjoy everything you have don't you think those babies should have the same opportunity you ones had?
lest just hope that is we come into that situation God can gives us the wisdom to make the right decision and not be influence by third parties. It's just you and God

God bless you all a bunch.
Sorry, but this is a topic that never ends well...

We've collectively opted to keep this topic off of the oRg for this reason, so it's locked and any and all threads on this subject will shortly disappear as will any future ones...

Just too hot a topic and all it takes is some whack job to start posting up pics...you guys/gals get the idea...

Thanks for understanding and if you have a complaint, keep it to yourself :p I'm too tired to fight today... :thumbsup:
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