Hayabusa Owners Group

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Please don't become one of these

OK, I was sent a PM asking me to remove the pics.. since there is a link to it.. I removed the pics

This board has allways had a no gore policy.. I should have just removed it in the first place...

Links are ok, actual pics.. not ok....
No problem Thrash.
However I never had a link to those pics.
I received them by E-mail from a friend.
OK, I was sent a PM asking me to remove the pics.. since there is a link to it.. I removed the pics

This board has allways had a no gore policy.. I should have just removed it in the first place...

Links are ok, actual pics.. not ok....
No problem Thrash.
However I never had a link to those pics.
I received them by E-mail from a friend.
There's a link on the first page by another member, carolinadoublej.

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It was a great wakeup pic for those who have never seen stuff like this. (you can REALLY appreciate it seeing it first hand) Some of you should be glad if it was a fake-the real thing isn't as pretty as that. The FD has to come and hose off the blood and "debris" off the road usually.

I like the pics where people get tore up and live....I love showing those pics to the no helmet and shorts guys. I remember going out with a group and this guy shows up with 0 gear and everyone rode him about it all day. He got himself gear after that and crashed a few days after...saved himself a lot of pain and injuries.

I think we should be able to post pics like that provided they have a warning title. Same with all those offensive bikini pics. The horror! Like the sign on the strip club door: If this offends you....don't come in.

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i guess dead is dead .doesnt matter if your in one piece or several.i know someone who hit their helmeted head on a curb at very low speed still died .
I HEARD THAT I DID. And dont think everybody will help you.when i totaled a 6wheeler and broke my leg in 3 places several cars just drove around while i was bleeding on the shoulder.
It was a great wakeup pic for those who have never seen stuff like this. (you can REALLY appreciate it seeing it first hand) Some of you should be glad if it was a fake-the real thing isn't as pretty as that. The FD has to come and hose off the blood and "debris" off the road usually.

I like the pics where people get tore up and live....I love showing those pics to the no helmet and shorts guys. I remember going out with a group and this guy shows up with 0 gear and everyone rode him about it all day. He got himself gear after that and crashed a few days after...saved himself a lot of pain and injuries.

I think we should be able to post pics like that provided they have a warning title. Same with all those offensive bikini pics. The horror! Like the sign on the strip club door: If this offends you....don't come in.
That is one of many prroblems us mods have Diesel.

Half the board wants things one way. the other half wants it another way.

So no matter what we do we piss someone off.
I think we should be able to post pics like that provided they have a warning title. Same with all those offensive bikini pics. The horror! Like the sign on the strip club door: If this offends you....don't come in.
That is one of many prroblems us mods have Diesel.

Half the board wants things one way. the other half wants it another way.

So no matter what we do we piss someone off.[/QUOTE]
I think most of the mods are doing great, including you and revlis who I don't always agree with. At least when you guys don't like something that myself or someone else says they put up a good counter-point or try to explain yourselves instead of going into personal attack mode or just mysteriously deleting stuff. I remember before the gustapo took over a couple months ago, I could post pics from bikeweek for some of the dudes that couldn't make it to see without it disappearing becuase of a girl in a bikini is in the pic.

It's refreshing to see a mod keeping it fair and doing a good service to the board without him reminding us all DAILY that YES, you're a VOLONTEER. You're here to HELP US. You work so HARD for us. Where's the puke smiley?
I think we should be able to post pics like that provided they have a warning title. Same with all those offensive bikini pics. The horror! Like the sign on the strip club door: If this offends you....don't come in.
That is one of many prroblems us mods have Diesel.

Half the board wants things one way. the other half wants it another way.

So no matter what we do we piss someone off.
I think most of the mods are doing great, including you and revlis who I don't always agree with. At least when you guys don't like something that myself or someone else says they put up a good counter-point or try to explain yourselves instead of going into personal attack mode or just mysteriously deleting stuff. I remember before the gustapo took over a couple months ago, I could post pics from bikeweek for some of the dudes that couldn't make it to see without it disappearing becuase of a girl in a bikini is in the pic.

It's refreshing to see a mod keeping it fair and doing a good service to the board without him reminding us all DAILY that YES, you're a VOLONTEER.   You're here to HELP US.   You work so HARD for us. Where's the puke smiley?[/QUOTE]
Don't take it so hard on him. I used to not agree with him, but I've come realize why he does it. He's a good guy, actually became a good friend of mine in the past month or 2. It just seems that sometimes, you post stuff to stir it up.
All the gear we wear will only protect you when your sliding along the pavement. to an extent!!

but remember its not the slideing that f's you up its the sudden stop of hitting gard rails,trees ,cars ect!!!!!!

Just remember ride within your means

ride safe, when i ride i think that everybody wants to kill me.
just my way of staying on top .. just my .2 cents
the bike didnt kill him he killed himself,I agree may be fake was he riding 1 up? why is there boot+tennis shoe in pic??He couldnt have had both on????Should be more blood shouldnt there?not trying to barf anybody but you lose a arm would be a lot.

yes T.F. i been trucking 8 years when somebody gets killed on auto accident the coraner has to come out pronounce dead even if its obvious,he has to call the time of death+what exactly he died from (the injuries) a cop cant do it.not his job
he had riding boots on and could have been carrying an extra pair of shoes to change into at destination via back pack etc
as far as blood it looks to me as if the body parts were placed there from different locations and if you look there is a blood trail from the torso as if it was drug there and everything else was placed there looks real to me but im not on csi
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