Passing in the same lane

Do you have mirrors on you bike? I am always looking in mine. I have had it happen to me in the twists but saw it coming. I didn't like it but what can you do. Some people are always in a hurry. I wont let it happen on an open highway. I would just show them what the busa is made of :laugh:
I really wouldn't care and would hope they were being very cautious when doing it. You got to keep an eye on the mirrors. Of course I have a Blk '08, so this thread doesn't concern me :whistle:
lankeeyankee said:
I am sure you have expierene with being passed by............ you got it!! White Busas.

Only when I slow down and am laughing at their purty girly bike:laugh:

From my dunce stool :cookoo:
had it done several times to me but in one instance it ended ugly (for other guy)...doing 65mph, was on left side of my lane, want to get off at next exit, looked behind see no one, start to get over to right... as i do, i look over to my right to see his "oh ****" expression. he was coming up my lane on right side well over 90mph and was going to pass. he ended up ramming his front wheel between my swingarm & exhaust. i managed to keep calm and upright, he wasn't so lucky. i pulled over, rushed to him. really banged up but was going to be ok. had a hole to bone in knee, rashed back broken arm. i was ok with buckeled exhaust.. think it was learning experience for both of us.....
I would not like it at all, and I don't do it to other riders.

Here's why...

I really use the whole lane I'm in, and I move from side to side or even weave at random in that lane. I am not expecting anything to be on either side of me *in* that lane.

Splitting lanes is different. I don't mind if a rider takes the line and rides in between me and another vehicle.

Sharing lanes is also different. If I'm riding with someone, I don't mind if they ride next to me some of the time.

Passing me in my lane at say...the 1/3rd mark? No way. It's extremely rude...almost an insult, and dangerous, and I'd have already be pretty pissed at someone to do it, and I'd be pretty pissed if it were done to me.

That said, I can't remember that ever happening to me although I've done it about twice in 25 years of riding when someone was being a real jerk. It's on par with riding by and clicking someone's throttle side ignition kill off.

had it done several times to me but in one instance it ended ugly (for other guy)...doing 65mph, was on left side of my lane, want to get off at next exit, looked behind see no one, start to get over to right... as i do, i look over to my right to see his "oh ****" expression. he was coming up my lane on right side well over 90mph and was going to pass. he ended up ramming his front wheel between my swingarm & exhaust. i managed to keep calm and upright, he wasn't so lucky. i pulled over, rushed to him. really banged up but was going to be ok. had a hole to bone in knee, rashed back broken arm. i was ok with buckeled exhaust.. think it was learning experience for both of us.....
It's a messed up way to learn ...... but a true statement
I would not like it at all, and I don't do it to other riders.

Here's why...

I really use the whole lane I'm in, and I move from side to side or even weave at random in that lane. I am not expecting anything to be on either side of me *in* that lane.

Splitting lanes is different. I don't mind if a rider takes the line and rides in between me and another vehicle.

Sharing lanes is also different. If I'm riding with someone, I don't mind if they ride next to me some of the time.

Passing me in my lane at say...the 1/3rd mark? No way. It's extremely rude...almost an insult, and dangerous, and I'd have already be pretty pissed at someone to do it, and I'd be pretty pissed if it were done to me.

That said, I can't remember that ever happening to me although I've done it about twice in 25 years of riding when someone was being a real jerk. It's on par with riding by and clicking someone's throttle side ignition kill off.


It's fine you don't like it and use the whole lane, but I would suggest that you keep an eye on your surroundings. I checked my mirrors and saw the guy coming that did $5K damage to my arse in April. Lesson, continue to watch mirrors and launch at the sound of tire screech ......Point being you don't own anything out there.
I really wouldn't care and would hope they were being very cautious when doing it. You got to keep an eye on the mirrors. Of course I have a Blk '08, so this thread doesn't concern me :whistle:

Correct. Because your bike is black your are always at the end from get go so nobody could pass you.
Do you have mirrors on you bike? I am always looking in mine. I have had it happen to me in the twists but saw it coming. I didn't like it but what can you do. Some people are always in a hurry. I wont let it happen on an open highway. I would just show them what the busa is made of :laugh:

^^^ This!!!

You guys are getting passed while you're on your Busas??:poke:
I would not like it at all, and I don't do it to other riders.

Here's why...

I really use the whole lane I'm in, and I move from side to side or even weave at random in that lane. I am not expecting anything to be on either side of me *in* that lane.

Splitting lanes is different. I don't mind if a rider takes the line and rides in between me and another vehicle.

Sharing lanes is also different. If I'm riding with someone, I don't mind if they ride next to me some of the time.

Passing me in my lane at say...the 1/3rd mark? No way. It's extremely rude...almost an insult, and dangerous, and I'd have already be pretty pissed at someone to do it, and I'd be pretty pissed if it were done to me.

That said, I can't remember that ever happening to me although I've done it about twice in 25 years of riding when someone was being a real jerk. It's on par with riding by and clicking someone's throttle side ignition kill off.


It's fine you don't like it and use the whole lane, but I would suggest that you keep an eye on your surroundings. I checked my mirrors and saw the guy coming that did $5K damage to my arse in April. Lesson, continue to watch mirrors and launch at the sound of tire screech ......Point being you don't own anything out there.

+ 1 million :thumbsup: I am scanning 360-degrees NON-STOP and always assume that OTHER riders/drivers are not looking/will not see me. If a situation comes up, I take the path of least resistance and walk away from confrontation/aggression.
As a rider that is constantly adjusting my lane position based on a constantly evolving environment, I do NOT want ANYBODY or ANYTHING passing me in my lane. That rider is as likely to have hit me as to have passed me and I doubt he'd be any happier about it than I.

IMHO, lane splitting is generally a risky practice. If traffic is at a stand still, literally, then fine, split lanes at 5 or 10 mph. Any faster and you're likely to be unable to avoid a door that opens suddenly. If traffic is moving, at all, any vehicle could suddenly and very unexpectedly attempt to cross your path with a quick lane change splitting at 40 mph doesn't leave you with time to avoid such a thing. Lane splitting at freeway speeds is simply not necessary or's what they call "passing" on the race track and that's where it belongs, right along with lane sharing.

Ride, but ride SAFE! :)
Who knew such a simple little piece of ones life causes such an internet uproar. Big deal!! He shared a lane, big woop.
I ride staggered with my friends and I trust them, but if a certain move has to be made (debris in the road, etc.) you need as much room as possible. Being passed by someone I do not know, and was not really expecting it, I'm going to get pissed off.
No its just california.....there was no statement or nothing. It has happened to me a few times...of coarse I like to ride alittle fast, so not that often. Just a fellow biker flying by!
It happened to me as well. It pissed me off. Guy was on a FJR. He/she passed so close I felt the wind brush my leg. The part that pissed me off the most was that it was totally unwarranted.There was very little traffic and he had a pick of any other lane. I did not see him comming and if I had moved over just a bit it could have been disaster..:banghead:. Bastard.. In this case I think he was trying to make a statement. I started after him him but thought better of it. He will get his.
I have only had it happen once. Was on my way to the ol lady's dads house so we took the highway. Halfway there I see a crotch rocket coming up behind. I get to the left of my lane. He slowly comes up and we start keeping an eye on each other. (Cbr 954rr) it was like watching 2 big dogs sniffing each other out. Car was coming up on his side so he slowly comes in to my lane but I did make room for him before he made his move. We rode with each other the rest of the 10miles and waved each off as we took our own ways. I think if done correctly its fine but just to do a fly by. Heck no.
What you gotta realize is when you ride a busa your basically riding with a bullseye on your back:poke: Guys are gonna want to see if the the the busa can live up to the hype:laugh: They would love nothing more than to brag to thier buddies after the fact that they blew by a busa. I pass by bikes on the same lane but i approach them make sure they see me then cruise bye. Bottom line its all about respect:whistle:
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