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One of my friends just died.


Apr 1, 2010
Went to the pub with Lynne yesterday and found out one of my friends Danny died a few days before, he was only sixty.

Last Christmas everyone was going around with coughs, and losing there their voices, well Danny got it, or so we thought.
He had it for weeks and we was always saying go to the doctors, to and get it checked out, eventually he did and got a hospital appointment, but didn't go, then he got another appointment, and when I saw his best mate John he said they had taken Danny in and performed surgery straight away. He had throat cancer.

I used to ask John how he was and he would say he was still in hospital.
Then one day I went down the pub and there he was, so I went up and gave him a kiss and cuddle.
He was drinking orange juice and it kept coming out of the hole in his throat when he coughed, he did look ill, because he was still having treatment.

That was the last time I saw him.
I still asked John every time I saw him about Danny, but John said he won't answer his phone, or reply to texts, so it just sort of went on like that, until yesterday when I was told about his death. The nurse found him when she went round to check on him.

This is my third friend I've lost in the past couple of months, Terry died of a stroke he was 59, and Keith who was in his 70s was found dead by Paul in his flat.

So to my friends Danny, Terry and Keith, wherever you are RIP.
Sorry I've put this in the wrong place could somebody put in in random thoughts for me. Thanks.
Sorry I've put this in the wrong place could somebody put in in random thoughts for me. Thanks.

done...sorry to hear about your friends, may they RIP
Very sorry about your friends, many times in our lives we find friends that are closer to our hearts than family.
Thanks for the kind words.
As for how he got cancer, no one asked him, but I should think it was smoking that done it.
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