Noise from my 07 Busa

Clutch basket...when cold, the basket is flopping back and forth on it's compressions even out and the engine warms it quiets down.....

lol, i used to concern myself with the clutch chatter until i heard a friends Ducati. now... not so much. :laugh:
If the sound looks like a loose fairing ...its cam tensioner .Follow the instructions of that thread you mentioned above and the sound will disappeare.I started that thread.The problem is that we have a lazy tensioner.You can wait 'til tensioner moove to the next "click" but this can take long.So press with an allen(see pics)the tensioner while you use stater button (instantly) ,at the same time (without motor geting started).When you ll feel one or two clicks then the noise will disappeare(Suzuki head mec suggested me that trick.:beerchug: