Newbie with a new Busa


Well, after about 2 years of thinking about it I finally went and bought an '04 black/purple Hayabusa. This bike is a blast (like I'm telling you guys anything you don't already know)! I also own an '02 Yamaha Warrior (the one with two wheels). Now I have my two favorite bikes to choose from. I have been haunting this site for at least the past year and just couldn't take it anymore.

My sister happened to come visit the day after I bought the Busa. She likes bikes, but has never ridden a sport bike of any kind. She asked me for a ride so that she could "see what a fast bike is like." Well ... a few minutes from the house as we turned onto a nice new empty two lane straight I ran up through the gears to about 150 indicated then backed er down. We got off the bike, took our helmets off, and I turned to look at her. Her I eyes were big and round and she was shaking a little. She hit me on the shoulder and said "how fast did you just take me! That was unbelievable! It just kept on accelerating faster and faster!" My wife was jealous that she didn't get the first ride.
Congrats! Get used to the big grin. It doesn't seem to even fade, much less go away.
Yeah man, Welcome to the Sickness... It's all over now...
Congrats to the new ride and welcome to the board!  You live close - if you want to go ride sometime let me know  
Congrats to the new ride and welcome to the board!  You live close - if you want to go ride sometime let me know  
Definitely would like to go riding sometime Let 'Er Eat. Might be hard to find time for the next little while though. My wife gave birth to twins (boy and girl) on March 2nd, two months premature. Until we get them home all my spare time will be spent at Arnold Palmer in Orlando.
Wow sounds like you do have your hands full right now - Congrats on the twins too. I sent you a PM. Give me a call when things settle down there and we'll hit the open roads
Welcome and congrats! I got a chance to see the new black/purple in person last week while vacationing in was sweet!

Post pics!!!
Welcome I also have the warrior I could not wait any longer before I just had to have the BUSA.Have fun with both of them.
Yep, had my busa for almost 2yrs now & it still amazes me... Welcome to the board & congrats on twins, hope everything goes well with them.....