Hayabusa Owners Group

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Mar 23, 2011
Hello all. Here's my Bike. Bought it in August last year. 2006 model.

But I wasn't sure I was going to keep her. I've been riding for over 10 years but took a long period of 20 away from bikes because I couldn't afford to own one. So what do I get. One of the fastest bikes on the planet. I was looking at Harley's, specifically Fatboys. But they are way over priced for what they are. My last bike was a 1991 883 Sportster Deluxe.

I read a lot about these bikes after stumbling onto a forum post written by a women who went from a Dyna Glide to a Busa and loves it. I loved her attitude "F the haters. Life is to short." I wasn't even going to look at this one. But went anyway. The owner did let me take it for a drive up and down the street. I could tell when I got on it that it was an incredible machine. Faster then a Ferrari at a fraction of the price. Took me a couple of weeks to loosen up my grip from cramps because I knew it was a bat out of hell.



:welcome: to the oRg :thumbsup: Love the handle, you'll fit right in :laugh:
:welcome: to the org.
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: AND if you didn't know, you got the FASTEST COLOR :cheerleader: no matter what these other jealous people say :rofl:
:hello: welcome to the org!! look forward to seeing ya around!
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