Hayabusa Owners Group

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New Member with silly question :-)

I did not read everything so someone else may have said this exact thing but I have owned a couple busas and rode others bikes. The busa has a distinct sound when the clutch is out and its running in neutral, pull the clutch in and its gone, let the clutch out its back, it made me wonder the first time I heard it also but it is normal operation for the busa. Hope this helps.
:welcome: Newb here too. You sound like me with the new owner sensative ear. Thought there was something wrong with mine too. My idle is a little low, so it does make it a little louder. I have a 06. what is your idle set at? I was told it should be about 1150 rpms. Waiting for a day it's not raining out so I can get mine adjusted. Gonna do the exhaust mod also. As said before, have fun with her and be safe.
My 06 does the same thing....glad its not my clutch about to fly apart...I was actually gonna ask about it but kept forgetting so thanks for asking guy:thumbsup:
There is a distinct sound change when engaging and disengaging the clutch.
Check with your dealer's service department, they should be able to tell you right away if it sounds out of the ordinary. Or check it against other busa's.

Good luck
Thanks again to all,and appears as noted, over sensitive ear...friend has one and got his out and does same thing...not used to hearing anything when letting clutch out, but learning Busa's are different animals...thanks for all the support and responses...just waiting for the Tobin seats to arrive back and ready to go!!!
Thanks Spudley, that explanation makes sense and makes it easier to relax!!! Thanks again
You're just sensitive to the new noises....The Busa has a straight-cut gear drive between the crankshaft and the clutch basket. When it's not in gear and idling, there is "chatter" going on between the crankshaft, the clutch basket, and the gear cluster. The compression is banging the pistons downward, and the timing at idle is a little jittery causing a chatter......There isn't anything wrong with the motor, they just do this. When you're pulling the clutch lever, it's "loading" tension onto the clutch basket springs making things quieter, like a dampener.......

No PROBLEMS mon !!!!

+2... Spudley knows this stuff.
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