New Guy


Whats up my name is Kyle, I use to have a 2005 cbr600rr a few years ago. Im looking into getting a busa or the nemesis zx14r. I'm a bigger guy (6'3 375lbs) so thats why im wanting a bigger bike. I know this is a busa forum but I figured you guys would have imput on which bike is more comfortable for bigger guys. Thanks for any information and this site is awesome from what I've seen so far.
I can't give advice on which is better for big guys. I'm not what you would call a "big guy" at 5'11"/200lbs but I can tell you that the Busa is one BADA$$ bike!

:welcome: aboard!
This might be veiwed as a biased opinion, but I would definately go for the Busa over the ZX14. Stock, out of the crate, the Busa has it hands down IMHO. Very comfotable and, well...It's a Busa. You can't take anything away from it. :welcome:

:welcome: Kyle......Go out and get the Busa! Then we can give you your man card back. :laugh:

:welcome: realize there is a little bias here but the reality of it is you need to look at the bike everyday. Get what you like I'm running bout 240lbs and the busa fits me just perfectly. If you get a chance go sit on both bikes and you should know which one to get. overall performance well both bikes are very capable but the busa is a bit morre versatile.

......P.S. Get the busa :laugh:
:welcome: to the oRg. I've never been on the 14, but have read several post here, where 14 owners have switched for comfort reasons. Good luck with the decision. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the replies and warm welcomes, I think I'm going to take Head East Busa's advice and sit on both bikes. But I will say I will be a little bias when I do because I have always liked the busa. :thumbsup: