My poor baby.

I had to shut my eyes she is definitely showing way to much
I am so sorry guys, when I get her dressed again I will take her out and punish her for running around like that.

Ouch Mr. Brown that makes my arms hurt just thinking about it. I would really like to do it but I am afraid that I will make a mistake and then I am screwed. That would really get rid of all my free time though.
I think I will do that to MRgxr's bike and see if he can put it back together.


I will sit their with a beer and say nope that don't fit their hehe.

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That's the Pimp Shid ain't it DAB. The new air.... suspension set up is great.

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There's either no swingarm or it's stretched completely outta the pic.  

It's a real dedicated drag bike now, cause anywhere you take you have to drag it.

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She'll be an all new bike when you're done. Can't wait to see the pics.
Yeah i will have to post a before and after pictures when I get her back together.