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my lucky day !!


Sep 25, 2003
well today was a lucky day i was on my way home from picking up my check at work since i am on leave until monday from my bike accident , anyway on my way home in my truck i guess i was speeding (so the cop said ) so he pulled me over and first thing out his mouth was " ahh no seat belt either eh " i was like dayum so i give him my drivers license and he walks back to his car we all know that little deal where they take their sweet old time . well , he walks back towards me and says do you know how you much you will have to pay by going 53 in a 30 mph zone? , i was like no sir i dont and he shows me his little flashcard with the ticket prices and it would be a 185.00 ticket then he said oh but wait you weren't wearing your seatbelt either thats another 68.00 bucks i was like mutha@#$%^& then he said to me just make sure you slow it down and buckle up i was like whoa oh my god that was just lucky , anyway got off with a warning so i went to a shop to price to see how much a leak down test on my 00 r1 would cost me ,and on my way back 2 cars ahead of me was a truck little nissan with a big ass trailer hooked to it (dumba$$) well it fishtailed and came free from the truck and then all i see is smoke from screeching tires and i slam on my brakes swerve and miss it traffic comes to a hault and i am like thank you lord , so pretty much i would have to say god was looking out for me today
holy !! yes sir, definitely have a horse shoe up your arse today !! Go buy a lottery ticket before midnight gets here
Amen, you gotta prayer warrior on your side and an angel for a pilot (notice I said pilot....ang not co-pilot)
Look up to your Angel and thank him or her.
Definitely a good and lucky day for you, DPS!
Dude... Lookin out for you....OR FREAKIN GUNNING FOR YOU!!!!  LAy low Brutha, Lay Low....   Trouble comes in threes so sounds like you are outta them woods...  But...

Keep an eye out...

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Damn, you got lucky twice that day. Ride/drive safe. Where are you at??
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