MidnightSD, Sled, Lazerblade and a bud


So the crazy guy from SD finally shows up in MN and we go for a ride. Lemme tell ya folks....Midnights machine is INCREDIBLE in person!!!!!!!!!! what a paint job!!!! and a helluva nice guy! He brings his big bore nitrous machine over with the hopes of picking up his OTHER turbo busa this weekend.....OH...to have his problems with the toys this guy has!!!!

SO.....a couple pics BEFORE the storm......

So......ya'll remember my buddy who went to Arkansas with me on the ride a couple weeks ago??? well......he came over as well as lazerblade for a ride and BBQ.....things didn't turn out so well....the last advice I gave midnight was DONT follow the nutcase on the Gixxer 1k. Things were going OK till the ride back home. My bud went flying by me into a corner and I could see there was loose dirt and gravel in the corner......ended up busting his shoulder and dislocating it....but he's a tough SOB.....so here was the aftermath of the crash courtesy of Lazerblades camera....

oh....andthe other bike in the back of midnights truck? thats his stunt bike.....no crash on that one!!

wish us luck tomorrow when the REAL ride begins!!!! Yikes!
Yeah , all you mofos from MN and SD are tough bastards. (I know, I grew up in MN and all my family is from SD and MN)

Seriously , ive been all over the country since then and you guys make Texans, New Yorkers and pretty much everyone else look like pvssys. I am proud of my heritage and you guys have reminded of that once again!
update on the busted dude.......looks like he gets to have a bunch of hardware screwed into his shoulder. surgery hopefully tomorrow.
oh..and FYI......this is sled.....over at blades house and using his login :-)