Make your own motivational pictures.

Hey Busafish, I already used that ol chesnut on page one. lol. I was going to go with "which bike do you mention when making excuses?" or something like that but i couldn't word it for best effect. Good onr ya guys, some bloody classics, we should have had a prize of a dodgy t-shirt for the best poster.
I love choppers....
no i like that..............
hell ya...........

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Wuzzzzzzzz up Playaz and ho'z. I'm just droppn in for a sec to let ya'll know that  I'm still alive, kick'n and breathn and to also show you how we do it in the Valley.

Awight then, peace, love and hair grease, I'm out .
So.......... I'm considered a Ho, Right? WHATS UP PLAYA?! haven't heard from you in a LONG time!! Looks like we won't for a while again either, from the looks of your post
.......... You know you'll be back, the urge to ho is TOO strong!!! Later Bro!!
OK one more for vman 1300, you'll get'r down!

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