Make your busa go fast!!

FL Knifemaker

Go on a DAMN diet!!!

I've been busy as hell with business since last Thanksgiving and haven't really had much time ride since then. I was up to about 310lbs when I started cutting back my food intake, the day after Thanksgiving. I'm now down to 279lbs and dropping!! What difference 30lbs makes!! The bike goes faster, wants to wheelie easier, handles better and uses less brakes to stop!!! It's like an totally new bike and it didn't cost me a dime. Actually I've been saving money with eating for one person instead of 3, LOL!!! If I get down to my target weight of 250lbs, I'm putting a rev limiter on it!!!
you will go faster and live longer and feal beter, i`m down 30lbs this year:D
Way to go MR Blackwood and congrats!! Keep up the good work.
If you really want to be incouraged to loose weight, just figure out how much your over weight. Then go to a gym and pick up that weight. THAT's HOW MUCH YOU NEED TO LOOSE
! You'll immediately start your celery and water diet
If you really want to be incouraged to loose weight, just figure out how much your over weight. Then go to a gym and pick up that weight. THAT's HOW MUCH YOU NEED TO LOOSE
! You'll immediately start your celery and water diet
I tried for years to loose weight and nothing worked. A friend of mine suggested Vitamin B and lots of water and diet soda when you get sick of water. I also quit drinking beer. If I really feel I NEED a drink I have a single malt scotch AND JUST ONE.........about once a week
Other than that, just small portions and no snacks. Wasn't really hard at all. Choking down a low carb energy bar instead of a meal once a day helps too. They taste like SHID especially with a diet soda!!
After a while you just dont feel like eating, LOL!!!!
Good for you man! I worked on my weight last yr...lost 23 lbs.

This yr I have gained about half of it back. Gotta get serious again!
I hate LOSERS!
Good 4 you! I just got done eating my second dinner at 1am ... Time for bed now. Don't see me losing anything but energy this way
Congrats FL

I would notice a difference in my Busa's handling when I would flucuate +10 lbs on and off last year. Im excited to see what shaving almost 65 Lbs off the bike its self will do after doing my winter mods. I can't afford to shave off anymore weight on the bike, so I guess the recent "Stress-diet" I've been on may end up worth something after all.

Again...great job on shedding the pounds...quite an accomplishment...good for you!

OMG - Im looking at my average post count for the day 6.66

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