LOWERED the busa today


Donating Member
well, i got the lowereing links and lowedered the rear end 1.5" it was enough to completly LEVEL the bike out.... now a lot of people said that when i lowered it that the handling would diminsh... I beg to differ!! i love it! i must be on crack because i say it handles BETTER! i havent lowered the front cause the guy that had it before me shimed the triple tree and thats why my bike sat at such a rake before..... it looks BADA**!!!!!!! im going to buy the skeleton tree for looks anyway but im VERY happy with the results..... i cahnged the oil ( WITH THE MOBIL 1 , THANKS GUYS ) and lowered it in 45 min!!!!! this bike is SOOO easy to work on .. i love it! the Turbo Kit should be a breeze! BTW: i put on some Harris gell "BUSA" grips and they are sweet!

Ill post the pics tmrw night, as i dont have the camera on me , i left it at my shop like an idiot!


I got a Hayabusa stand plate from her. Seems great to work with!