Looking for a winter jacket...


I have started looking for a new Jacket for cooler weather. The shops around here have some in stock but not a whole lot. I saw this one (using ebay for information purposes <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Mens-FMC-VENOM-RACING-Leather-Jacket-FRM-233-CFDZ_W0QQitemZ110082478938QQihZ001QQcateg
oryZ57988QQcmdZViewItem" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Men....iewItem</a>
at the local shop and it seems really well made. Nice thickness seems that it would be warm enough for Georgia. Armor in the right places, and it does fit me quite nicely. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this brand? The shop said they are new to them but didn't know to much more. So let me hear form you guys. Please feel free to offer other suggestions. I can purchase this one locally for about 180.00. My summer jacket is an Icon Tarmac 2 jacket (stealth). Also one of the things that drew my attention to this jacket is that it is very subdued and not flashy.

Thanks for the input,

Never heard of them before. I hated to but I coughed up the dough for a Dainese Zen jacket. 429.00 at Cyclegear. very thick liner in there. Sorry I can't comment on that one.
I think you could do a LOT better. The clearance sales are about to begin so keep an eye on newenough and motorcyclecloseouts.