look out wheelie kings

Sorry to see that bro.....you OK? Better luck next time, screw it, it's only a bike, you can get another.

Can I get the rims? Pretty please.
Damn Z,

Glad you're okay!!! My friend did the same thing with his Busa, (the first Busa I ever rode) he just whacked the hell out of it and next thing we knew he was running behind it trying to keep it from flipping.... then they were both tumbling end over end down the street... Like yourself, road rash and a totalled bike :sad: but here to talk about it.

Tell wifey you promise no more wheelies and pretty please.... Flowers, dinner, romantic evenings etc... it will work out!!!!

Good luck and glad you are here to tell about it!! Pictures were awesome!!!!! Great learning experience for others!!

Glad you are OK, and have the guts to post your misfortune, this will surely help someone and that is what this board is about.

Heal fast, and keep the wife happy !!
Sorry to know about your accident... Well, the nice thing is that you can still read all these lines :)

... and guys, the photo might simply be a still frame of a movie... Even digital cameras can make movies at 15fps and 640x480...

Wish you heal your wounds fast (i know what that is... 15 to 20 days... first 5 to 10 are the worst, but all that depends on the extension of the wounds, of course...)
I have often considered learning how to wheelie.....thanks for the lesson. I think I will keep em both on the ground.
Great pics, Hope you heal up quick.
Just go get a new bike, if she leaves you for that, it probably wasn't going to work out anyway!
sorry to hear about your bad luck, but i have to admit that is one hell of a wreck pic. I am assuming that you had someone waiting to take it with you standing up and you lost it but whoa i have never seen a pic like that before. Truely amazing.
Ditto, Ditto, Ditto... wish you a short recovery. Thanks for the lesson. I'm sure I'll keep it in the back of my head. Give the wife some time. Three knee surgeries, broken vertebra in my neck, two separated shoulders and other broken odds and ends. The longest it took my wife was six months to let me through a leg over my RM 250 and race again.
I think I'll keep the rubber side down.  

If yer good,and can do 'em....more power to ya.

If yer shiddy,an' can't do 'em that good....NOW is a gr8 time to stop .

And rule number 1....."Shi7 Happens" .

And Busahigg you bastid , how 'bout waitin' for the dust cloud to settle ,before beggin' parts off a downed brother , you unfeelin' sun-of-a- .....

hee hee hee

speedy recov man......RSD . (ironic sig huh , hee hee hee)
How about Getting a shiddy bike until I get good at em? I am thinking thats my plan...Find a wore out CBR900RR or something. Strip off the body work, weld up a cage to protect the vitals. Then get out there, leather up, and give the High School Parking lot a bunch of new skid marks. Practice wheelies, stoppies, burnouts, all that good break your machine kinda stuff.
Just a thought, but could also be good for all the learning to get the knee down kinda stuff, and really learning where the limit is and what it feels like when it's crossed...
How about Getting a shiddy bike until I get good at em?  I am thinking thats my plan...Find a wore out CBR900RR or something.  Strip off the body work, weld up a cage to protect the vitals.  Then get out there, leather up, and give the High School Parking lot a bunch of new skid marks.  Practice wheelies, stoppies, burnouts, all that good break your machine kinda stuff.
 Just a thought, but could also be good for all the learning to get the knee down kinda stuff, and really learning where the limit is and what it feels like when it's crossed...

get out there REV, DIE DIE DIE.......

oops sorry , I meant KILL KILL KILL .

We all know our limits....yer a smart boy Rev.

Were ya doin' block long wheelies when you were 10 years old on that mustang bike .

Were ya doin' two hundred footers on yer yz 125 when you were 12 .

if the answer to either of those questions is no , I'd advise you pass on the "Middle-aged Stunt Guy" thing for now .

It's the balance point thing .

Stoppies look cool . Till ya go over . Then you land on yer head an look like an a$$hole . I was talkin' to a rebel the other day. He said..."Ya man , stoppies are fuggin' cool , I had seven cracks in my frame " hee hee hee he went on to laugh . I thought buddy , yer a jerk . I suppose it wasn't really all that bad thou....I mean, Mommy an' Daddy were probably payin' for HIS bikes .

party on.....

hav a good 1.....RSD.
isnt it ironic you hit the road and threw her into the dirt, thats love, how long was the wheelie they look like two completly different roads im glad as hell you walked away i got in the same twist of the throttle ass on the hump couldnt quite get my hand to roll it back, then tapped the rear brake b4 goin over shook me for a couple min. how bad was the bike in the end?
OUCH Zorander! Glad you're still around to show us the evidence...so sorry about the Busa... :sad:

I am terrified of wheelies, and now I see that I'm STILL terrified of wheelies...

Hope you heal quickly, and I hope you get a new Busa soon...ride safe!
I couldn't resist posting this picture man! It's all in fun. But seriously, I'm glad you are okay.


Wow what pics. My brother did the exact same thing in 1999 on his black and silver busa with 2500k on it. He was also dressed the same. Hope things heal up well. I dont know how your insurance works were you are but he got paid an amount depending on how large the scares were. Some sort of equation they have. Makes you want to pick your scabs. Now he ownes a 99 R1.
Keep your stick on the ice!
hey guys thanks for the love! Luckily I came out with only some lovely rasberries on my legs, thighs and ass (my ass was too big for the rest of me anyway) The only thing I was missing gearwise that day were the pants and guess what hit the ground first. :sad: Anyway give me a couple of weeks and I'll be good as new. The bike...well the bike is dead. The subframe is bent 90 degrees and the frame has got a huge crack in it. Nothing that bolts on is left on the bike, it all got twisted or thrown off. Oddly enough the engine doesn't have a single scratch on it. Hmmm. I went and saw it today, the repair estimate in case you were wondering is $22,700 ish heh.
Funny thing about wheelies is, it's generally not when you're learning them that they get you, it's when you are all comfortable and they don't scare you anymore. So they have to remind you that they are scarey. Postal- I definately do not suggest this particular method of landing a wheelie. Craigabusa- If they pay me per "scare" then they owe me a whole lot of money :) (sorry bro I couldn't resist) FYI the wife didn't say that I couldn't get another bike, just that I couldn't get another one "soon" heh winters coming anyway..I can wait a little while. Just happy I didn't hear the word "NEVER" sorry for the book guys, and thanks for the support. Be Safe, push your limits, just not too hard, keep the shiney side up, and WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!
