Light Clicking Noise


After approximately 100 miles of break-in, a small tick-tick-tick noise became evident in the motor. It's very light, but noticeable to me. It began after a commute home via the freeway. Average speed on the freeway was 85, with peaks at 90, so the RPM was around 4500 or so, nowhere near the max. The ride was smooth. But, a tick that was not there before getting on the freeway was there when I got off.

I've since been listening to the sound to try and peg where it's coming from. It almost sounds like the light click noise of the front disc breaks engaged, but it's not those (sound is slightly different). It is tied to the motor. If you roll along and pull in the clutch, the sound goes away.

Though still light, the sound is more evident after some riding time has passed and the motor reaches its normal operating temperature.

I'm now almost to mile 470 of the breakin period, and the sound is the same as it was then. No more noticeable, no less.

Has anyone else heard this sound? Is this something out of the ordinary, or am I just going ga-ga over a minor sound? Please let me know what any of you have come across.


P.S. - On the previous topic of idle neutrals, I've seen it twice . . . once between 5th and 6th, and once between 4th and 5th. Both times were when acceleration was minimal (aka inner city street traffic).
don't worry I have that clicking noise also. You are not going to believe what it is . Next time it happens, put your hand on your windscreen to dampen the vibaration. Your mysterious noise will go away. It was driving me crazy also; I thought it was the fuel injectors. Post back and let me know if that was the problem. I'm willing to bet a tank of gas that's what it is.
I too have such a noise, which I also did not hear for the first 100 miles. I just had the bike in for its first service yesterday (at 670 miles), and asked the wrenches to see if they could find it with all the plastic removed, on the assumption that they would be able to hear it better. No luck, they said that they don't hear anything unusual. Since of course it is in their best interest to hear something, I have to assume that it really did sound normal (or within the normal range of noises) to them.

To _me_, it sounds like a valve slightly out of adjustment. The service guide says no valve adjustment is scheduled 'til 16,000 miles, so I suppose I'll let it go for a while longer, or until it gets louder.
I tried the windscreen, but I don't think that was it. The sounds is tied to a range of RPM from the motor, and the sound is coming from below, not in front.

Falconer's response sounds closer to what I hear. I've scheduled for my 600 maintenance to be done on Saturday morning, and I'll pose the same question to them then as well. I'll post what I hear.
I believe I heard the same light clicking noise when my bike was breaking-in. It was faint, and I thought it originated, perhaps from the top of the engine. Anyway, it went away with breakin. I'm now running Koltz 15-50W Motorcycle Synthetic Oil, and I don't hear any strange noises.

I just had the 600 miles maintenance done today (was at 598 when I pulled in) and the guy who tested the bike out after working on it didn't sound worried. He's owned several Suzukis apparently, and minor engine noises seem to come with the territory.

Funny thing . . . on the way to the place, I didn't hear the sound once, and I didn't hear it this afternoon on the way back. I don't think it's gone completely, but I'm hoping I'll see something similar to what RD reported.

Oh yes . . . darn that accelerator, it forced me to hit 120 for a moment on the freeway. Worked effectively to get me to a nice open stretch. Other than that though . . . trying to not be cop bait. (aghh, is that hard).
