Lean Angle question

I think I just need to do a track day or something to get a better feel for it in a more controlled environment. Thanks
BP...If you're scraping pegs at low speeds it can be disturbing, but when you've got some speed going, the bike is very stable when you're hanging off.

On the loooong sweeper, you could "almost" fall asleep.
STRK did an EXCELLENT job staying upright at Road America!! We both had a blast and learned a ton about pushing the busa to it's.... er... I mean... OUR limits I know this bike can do way more than I can. And stkr is even a more experienced rider than I, as seen in how he handled the track with ease.
here's a couple more pics I snapped from the DVD showing more stkr for personal evaluation.

One thing I will comment on is MY style or lack there of. I do the butt crack on edge of seat thing like PAC mentioned. At that point, my left leg CALF is pressed right against the side of the bike keeping me from falling off right. To me, I feel like I'm flying free off the side of the bike but the pics look like I barely movedoff the side at all. After watching too much motogp videos, I tend to prep for the next turn in advance, slide over, knee out, look thru mirror, THEN hit the turn. I don't know if it helps but it FEELS cool to me! hahahahhaha I'd rather stick my knee way out and drag it first rather than pegs or pipes. After the knee starts sliding and you get used to it, it REALLY feels safer and more confidence building... you KNOW your over, you know your lean and you can adjust the lean while feeling the ground.

anywho: newer pics from the same video sets


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more [stkr's bike has the hump mod to tell who is who since we both had silimar leathers!]

I just thought this one is cool! stkr in front, me in middle, unknown behind


Thanks Greg. If I would just get my upper body leaned off the bike, I might actually be able to drag a knee.
Same problem here bike is leaned over peg scraping, yet I'm still over the middle of the bike instead of hanging half off. Someday I will get the rest off.

Great stuff stkr00
The funny part is...I could have sworn my knee was just about to touch on many corners, but then looking at the pics I realized how far away I actually was.

One of these days
I'll be anxious to see what sort of lean angle I can accomplish at MAM on Memorial Day.

I have really firmed up my suspension, front and rear, per Jinks' recommendations; I have a feeling this will keep the hard parts from dragging.

As for my peg feelers and/or knee sliders, well, I can only hope to scuff 'em up!
This scrapes first. Did this once on twisty portion of Hwy 1 b/n Westport & Leggett. Scared the bejeezers outa me. Never did this again.

Reached out with my left hand and touched the pavement at 55 mph the other day. Just to see if I could!


You're nuts Wag

I just reread this whole thing. After getting the track bike and 5 moree track days, it's funny to see the pics of my first day on the track. That was one helluva day though. Greg and I had a blast and the weather was great.