Kill The Zombies!!!

Damn...only got three then got my head ripped off...why can't I have a bigger gun? More ammunition?!
Woo Hoo!!! 26!! Then I had my arm torn off and beaten down with it...odd death...reminds me of the old Steven Segal movies, you know, the random violence ones BEFORE he turned in to an environmental/I've got a message nut case...

I don't have anything against him though...
74 stage suprised you can access the site
First time was not so good, but after just call me a sniper!
Press Shift to switch weapons. The shotgun works great but DAMN that guy is slow on the reload!!

<!--EDIT|FL Knifemaker
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im on my luch break i will play again when i get back to work so i got ot beat 200 kills
im on my luch break i will play again when i get back to work so i got ot beat 200 kills
Be prepared for 16, there are like 8 that come at you at once. I didn't have a chance. But I didn't know about the shotgun. But i don't know if that would've helped at that point. Good luck.
i don't get it.. i keep shooting them.. but i keep missing..

whats the deal
you have to put the cursor on the one you want to shoot. Also if you shoot the ones coming out of the ground, they die on the first shot.