Hayabusa Owners Group

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just polished up Amber for caps party


Apr 3, 2008
hey guys i just finished up cleaning my bike. i washed and dried her. then i couldnt find my honda spray polish. so i had to fall onto my mothers instant detailer. i have never used it on my bike before. but after using it i really like it...alot. it seems to wipe to a smear free shine much faster than the honda spray cleaner. i think i may have to switch. plus its cheaper. i used to use it on my cobra between waxing to get a great shine.

the only thing about the mothers is that it doesnt seem to clean the wheels as easy as the honda polish. so i may have to get some pledge.

next i cleaned up the chain with some wd40. I warmed up the chain and applied some pj1 blue chain oil.

finally i was able to test fit my new RKA saddle bags courtesy of Pashnit...thanks tim. so im pretty much ready to rock for my trip to caps house in OK. i cant wait!:cheerleader::cheerleader:
See ya there:thumbsup:
See ya in a couple days. I'm leaving Violet at home...just caging it...
looking forward to meeting you soon :beerchug:
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