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Job loss Rate!

I don't care if I offend the democrates but they have to go including the spinless republicans. We need true conservatives elected in 2010 & 2012. We need to do something about this mess....GET GOD, GET INFORMED, DON'T DRINK THE KOOLAIDE, AND MOST OF ALL VOTE!!!!!

I always knew I'd wind up belonging to a minority, being a true, arch
conservative. Sorry, but got my cyanide and Koolaide just in case.

cyanide and koolaide.jpg
Jobs have been lost for decades and no one raised an eyebrow. Now all of a sudden when those who were not touched before get nicked they feel that now something should be done! Well! What you see here is just the result of time passing while people in office did nothing. This just did not happen overnight! If more time was spent on the economy over here rather than chasing "terrorist" over there maybe the situation would not have been this bad.
Jobs have been lost for decades and no one raised an eyebrow. Now all of a sudden when those who were not touched before get nicked they feel that now something should be done! Well! What you see here is just the result of time passing while people in office did nothing. This just did not happen overnight! If more time was spent on the economy over here rather than chasing "terrorist" over there maybe the situation would not have been this bad.

You don't suppose that we could do both? I mean, no offense, but terrorism is a real threat, regardless of how it was spawned. Even the most hardened Democrat can't ignore what has been happening to American interests for the last decade.

And let's be real about this, the economic issues we are facing today are a result of government regulation, not vice versa. The Fed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Community Reinvestment Act, etc. These are all massive invasions into private interests. Left alone, you would see a survival of the fittest and the poorly run institutions would be consumed by the strong.
You don't suppose that we could do both? I mean, no offense, but terrorism is a real threat, regardless of how it was spawned. Even the most hardened Democrat can't ignore what has been happening to American interests for the last decade.

True that - much rather be "chasing" them over there than defending against them here. Ask London, Spain or any other European country (or Israel for that matter with their constant dealings with the PLO and other radicals) who deals with terrorists every year and their deadly results. Last time we were attacked on a large scale was almost 9 years ago. How many attacks have been played out in Europe and Asia in the last year? People who take them lightly and think we're all safe here in the good old US of A are sorely mistaken. Thwarted attacks are reported pretty much every month even under the Obama administration so I have a hard time believing anyone who might suggest it's just the CIA and other feds strutting their stuff for show.
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You don't suppose that we could do both? I mean, no offense, but terrorism is a real threat, regardless of how it was spawned. Even the most hardened Democrat can't ignore what has been happening to American interests for the last decade.

And let's be real about this, the economic issues we are facing today are a result of government regulation, not vice versa. The Fed, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Community Reinvestment Act, etc. These are all massive invasions into private interests. Left alone, you would see a survival of the fittest and the poorly run institutions would be consumed by the strong.

creating monopolies that then manipulate the market just like you are accusing the government of doing. I'll take the government because you can not vote out a corporate monoploy.
creating monopolies that then manipulate the market just like you are accusing the government of doing. I'll take the government because you can not vote out a corporate monoploy.

You mean monopolies like the power companies, telephone companies, television and radio licenses, etc... You mean those monopolies? Yeah, those are appropriated by the government.

There isn't much in the way of real monopolizes that can't be overcome with innovation and the simple act of refusing to buy. The real monopolies that don't exist any more were things like coal mines that paid laborers in company store credits, which forced them to buy from their own employers. Those were real monopolies and there are labor laws that protect us from these practices in modern times.

The "too big to fail" giants were never monopolies. AIG, GM, Lehman Brothers....these were all heavily independent and nobody was being forced to deal with them. Had the free market taken hold, they would have either been bought out or allowed to fail, making way for new businesses. Monopolies are virtually impossible in today's world. The only monopolies exist under government guidance, and it doesn't matter who you vote for, they won't go away anytime soon.
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The truth is you can not kill all of them and they are not going to stop! If you don't believe me, ask the Russians. I don't care how many drones, precision guided missiles, troops, wining over the people tactics are deployed you can't break em.

They have been and have always been playing this country like a fiddle. Look at how much has been spent chasing them and how much they have spent scaring you! Look at what you and I have to go through at the airport now. Looks like they are winning. Best thing to do is take it as an expensive lesson and move on.
I think this next quarter is going to separate the men from the boys. If we don't see some growth, all the small businesses that have been holding on by their fingernails are gonna fail.

I've watched our customer list; it's shrunk by about 40% from where it was. And we have shrunk in pace with it so are survivable. A lot of people are just GONE. Now, if just one of my competitors would go, that would help A LOT.
A big difference you are seeing now is a lot of people don't have that credit card power they once had. When the business was packed with customer with the plastic cards in their holsters the sky was the limit. Now that the sky has been reached! When merchandise and services are bought it is with cash!

What you are seeing now is just how much cash was actually out there in the first place. :laugh:
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