Hayabusa Owners Group

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Japanese Translation

It's like i don't even exist!

my genius will surely be missed.
When your doin 190 mph +  you better be strong, fast, centered .... and VERY FOCUSED!
Amen bro!!
Could have sworn that it meant "Wanna race?"

Cuz every time I am on it, thats all anyone wants to do. Or maybe it means "Wanna lose?"
"Hayabusa" The name as you may have not heard comes from the Japanese Peregrine falcon. It is one of the few animals which can travel at about 300km per hour (in a dive).
Well what does UCLA proffessor say?
Don't matter what the good prof says.

The kanji on the side of our bikes is "hayabusa", a kind of falcon or variant of the peregrin falcon. Fastest creature in Japan if not the world, the diet of the hayabusa is said to include blackbirds.

Those needing a good online alternate to the Altavista translation service can find one here: http://dict.regex.info/cgi-bin/j-e/jis/tty/dict
I nearly got voted off the island after starting this thread.

I say we just land on it meaning whatever you would like for it mean!
That is apparently what the Japanese do!

My new translation (subject to seasonality):
"Dude, keep the shiny side up til April 28th"!!!
ok ok ok for the last time it means
"I'm faster than you are ! ! !"
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