If guns kill people...........................?

Don Hardcastle

Busa Ridin' Sailor (ret)
Donating Member
Then why isn't every gun show a freakin massacre? LOLOLOLOL.... saw that on a fb post... thought I'd share.
Because all guns are required to be unloaded at Gun Shows.
That and because most people that attend Gun Shows are law abiding citizens. :thumbsup:
Guns don't kill people, unless they fall off a high shelf or if thrown hard enough and hit the correct and precise location. It's those nasty little bullets that fly out of them that do most of the actual killing. instead of Gun Control, maybe they should do more bullet control, those things are dangerous and when all are mixed with human emotion, it is a lethal concoction.
It is amazing how seemingly smart people come to absolutely illogical conclusions when it comes to guns.

So, someone who is mentally unstable purchased a gun legally (or was given a gun by another person who knew the recipient was mentally unstable) and then shot someone. Shouldn't the conclusion be that a mental condition and guns do not mix?

In a different scenario, when someone had an illegal gun shot at other people, shouldn't it be obvious that no amount of gun control would work?

In most known cases, a shooter knew there would be little resistance. This leads to a simple conclusion: more legal guns may prevent random shootings because a would be attacker will face a barrage of bullets from other people.

Trying to create a sterile (free of guns) society will inevitably lead to a catastrophic event. It is just a matter of time and circumstances until someone takes advantage of it. Imagine a few random terrorists arrange simultaneous shootings in different places - there won't be enough police to cover all of them. Imagine organized criminals following similar scenario. Imagine there is a prolonged power outage, or some sort of natural disaster, or a riot. Millions of people are completely defenseless, and may find themselves at the mercy of criminals/terrorists or angry crowd. As is always with humans, it will take an event like that to realize that gun sterilization is not a solution.

It is interesting to observe that in nature there is always a balance between different forces which keeps things in order. For example, in a human stomach there are always a bunch of different bacteria present, ready to fight any foreign matter. Sterilize the stomach and make it free of any micro organisms - and it becomes defenseless.

Gun control laws are most strict in big cities, and that's why big cities are most vulnerable in that respect. I think it's just a matter of time before something really bad and really big happens.
My guns are crazy! They try all the time to make me do bad things.
This is why I must keep them locked up in the safe. If I didn't do that one might sneak out and massacre a bunch of people.
I've always believed that those who ride high performance motorcycles make the best gun owners. We already understand how to properly utilize a tool as well as how important it is to show the proper respect for that tool. There will always be exceptions but as a rule, I have found this to be true.
Post it here! You've got a good audience.

It was for a class at ISU so bear that in mind, this was basically a response to the gun control legislation being discussed at that time, but enjoy!


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I've always believed that those who ride high performance motorcycles make the best gun owners. We already understand how to properly utilize a tool as well as how important it is to show the proper respect for that tool. There will always be exceptions but as a rule, I have found this to be true.

This is an excellent point. I completely agree. In both areas, negligence, disrespect, lost focus, and many other things have dire consequences. So, if someone can responsibly handle a powerful bike, such person is likely to be responsible with a gun.
It was for a class at ISU so bear that in mind, this was basically a response to the gun control legislation being discussed at that time, but enjoy!

Well written, with passion and logic! Thank you for sharing! I am afraid that logic and common sense escape many people who are simply afraid of having anything to do with guns. They don't want to see them, don't want to hear about them, and as a result slide into a plausible denial: just get rid of them, and all gun related problems will go away.
I know this was a joke but I've never been to a show where there wasn't a large amount of ammo of every caliber etc.
Well written, with passion and logic! Thank you for sharing! I am afraid that logic and common sense escape many people who are simply afraid of having anything to do with guns. They don't want to see them, don't want to hear about them, and as a result slide into a plausible denial: just get rid of them, and all gun related problems will go away.

I believe Australia tried this and as a result of the forfeiture of legally purchased guns, the crime rate (with guns) went through the roof. Why? Only the bad kids had them.
I believe Australia tried this and as a result of the forfeiture of legally purchased guns, the crime rate (with guns) went through the roof. Why? Only the bad kids had them.

Exactly! One cannot help but wonder whether those who voted for such law had any abilities to foresee an almost obvious outcome. Stupidity, ignorance, and absence of common sense come to mind. However, more likely it was something more trivial - to please a certain voting block regardless of any coherent reasoning.