Idle went way down when I installed TMH air box. ???


OK Guys... I just started my bike for the first time after installing THM air box. Here's what happened:

The idle went way down... It won't even stay on with the choke all the way up... Do I just adjust the idle?

There is a lot of black smoke coming out of both pipes that smells like oil. Why is that? Does it have anything to do with the lines that are disconnected from the air box?

Well, I know a lot of you guys have TMH box already running. Did anyone experience the same? I have no PC2 or pipe... all stock.

Any help would be appreciated.

PS. I took the bike around the block once... what a big difference!!!

[This message has been edited by Hayabusero (edited 21 June 2000).]
Oops!!! I guess it's not.

Thanks Motorhead. BTW, I will mail my box tomorrow.

[This message has been edited by Hayabusero (edited 21 June 2000).]
Hayabusero, let us know what kind of power increase you experience.
at idle, off the throttle response,midrange pull and top end rpm. That is with the bike all stock but the TMH air box?
Yeap!!! it is awesome at 150 and above...

TMH air box is the best mod you can get... definetely!!!

I did the whole mod. I got the one from TMH and installed the things from the stock box, then just put it in place and that's it. I just let the two tubes hang there, but secured.
WOW!!! That's all I can say. The difference is clear. You can feel more power at low range and mid range... I couldn't find an empty road to test high range, but I'm sure it'll be fine as well.

This is one mod that I recomend to all you guys who want to stay stock (no pipe/PC2). The gain is obvious. It is the best investment you can do for your busa. Hold on tight!!!
Cool, thanks a lot. Did you get the full air box mod? Did you do anything with the TPS?
Have a great busa day!

[This message has been edited by carlitobusa (edited 22 June 2000).]
hehehe how many times you gotta say it TMH?


you think it is better at low/mid/ wait till you feel it pull at 150---wear diaper first time.