Hayabusa Owners Group

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I have decided to "pack it in"

I saw this coming so I will just say this- Andy you're a good guy IMO, f**k what the others say I have only had good dealing w/u so thats what I have to go on. If you feel like all this is too much, by all means get outa here for as long as you need to. Come back if you want when you want, and do as much or little as you want to. Sorry to hear about school/therapy not goin well-I cannot imagine what that would do to my psyche...going thru the motions of getn married is drivin me up a f**king wall so I have an idea of how frustrated you must be...but your dilemma is alot more serious, so go handle your biz, and leave all this stuff to somebody else-it'll get taken care of.

not gunna bash the haters here, just wanna say this-dont knock somebody for doin a job that you would never want, or couldnt handle. If you can do a better job in your own mind, get to it and help the other folks out who cant keep up your 'standards of excellence'.

See you around Brah-dont be a stranger, you got the email addy...use it sometime, or I'll get your # from Chris and stalk ya!
Sorry to see ya go Rub but you know what's best for you, I just want to thank you for all that you've done on the .org. If you are ever down South hit me up and we will slam down a few.

Gone but not forgotten.

Your contributions here have been numerous, your leadership outstanding, your humor refreshing.
You'll be missed, but those who will miss you most are those who will recieve no aid in future because few or none will step forward and make the efforts as you have.
  I have donated to many of your causes because they touched me and I could, but I fear in the future these causes will go unnoticed.

Best wishes and stop bye with a quick quip every now and then, let us at least know your not braindead yet.

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Thanks Andy for all you have done!   Most of us are very appreciative!  


All I can say is that I'm completely shocked and pretty sad that the board's losing, in my mind, one of our guiding members. I know it's selfish, but what a huge loss for us. Good luck, Rubb, and God Bless.
Who hates the Rub? From what I can recall, the only thing that happened was a few people asked about putting the auction threads under one topic, then WHAM..everything went to heck! I didn't know anyone hated the Rub. I am adult enough to realize that sometimes we all may not agree on somethings, but I don't classify that as hate.
Andy, nobody is knocking you, and we all appreciate what you have done for everyone. Just take some time, cool your jets, and comeon back when you feel better.

I guess I was classified as a RUBBA hater too! But..that was not the case!
Andy - I think we had a great conversation the other night... but I left with a thought that you might do this. Your health is the most important thing, along with your home life... In the military we say to stay until it isn't fun anymore and that you know when it is your time to go. Obviously, you've hit both of those points. You have my best wishes and thoughts for recovery... I hope you get back your health and happiness and can climb back on a bike some day.

Until then -
Semper Fidelis.
Whatever you do, you better keep in touch, man. I've still gotta make the trek up there to meet your crazy azz some day. You have my email. If you need anything, hit me up...

Hope & wish you the best!!

It's ironic, how some people have expectations. About things they either know nothing about. Or have no intention of doing. "Yeah I could do it better" "I wouldn't do like that" Truth be told, the only thing they'll do: is run their mouth. Whether they realize it or not. They're unhappy, insecure & just downright miserable.
So they want others to feel the same. How pathetic!

I have no blame or regrets, that you're leaving. Your one hell of a man. And if you feel it's time? Than it is.

Your health is way more important...than some stickys, threads, posts or anything else.

So take care
best wishes

well said.

Thank you Andy. Just comes a time when enough is just that. Enough.

I am new to this board, but can't believe the type of support I have recieved. This is a great place and alot of that has to do with you. I am sorry about your health issues. I hope you get better soon. I hate to see you leave but understand. You have taken care of this board and everyone on it for a long time now and everone here should understand that it is time for you to take care of yourself. I wish you the best and I am sure that 99% of this board including me have your back and if you need anything we would be there for you. God speed on healing up bro!!!!!!
Andy, Just got out of a sales meeting at work and read your post. The subject of our meeting was customer satisfaction, and our discussion was concerning the fact that most of the people who are happy with the way they were treated do not return the survey, thus the scores do not reflect the true state of things. Seems this is true here too, and I for one feel bad I have not let you know how much I appreciate your efforts on our behalf. You have made me laugh when I needed it the most, and you have been responsible for so many good deeds to board members that we could never thank you enough. The most important thing is for you to take care of your health. I hope you will take some time off and come back to your org. family when the time is right. There are a lot of members here who care about you, so stay in touch you big bastid! Hal
RSD, my brother take sometime to yourself and the housemouse! You've earned it... You said it best when you mentioned how this is just a cyber-world! Don't let the cyber-folks manipulate your "Real" world.. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to see you grow as a person through this site. The first few times you popped in here to post I had you made out as a cyber-terrorist... And a dayum funny one at that
Boy, was I wrong in trying to read you from afar. Your one hell of a person RSD! You have a heart and soul bigger than the lion you portray. But, most of all your for real in a cyber-setting! Thats a trait not often found, generally its the other way around! People pretend to be something there not here in our cyber-world. But with you as always what you see/read is what you get...... Please take sometime from the boards and regroup! Come back when your good and rested!
To put this in perspective remember Leo Buscaglia once said
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
Damn this sucks.....I think this is a great board..its actually seems professional (except for that awful shakira video). We are going to miss you. But maybe u do need some time off. I head the computer rots your brain...So I know this cant help with your recovery. best wishes. Check in once and a while and if the board is like a battle zone come back and kick some AZZ.
what a loss, i am not even a donating member "yet", i have done allot of lurking and talking to some members and i find that this site has all the answers i have ever needed for the thing that is draining my wallet in the garage right now, but for someone to piss a guy like "RSD" off is just not acceptable, i mean you couldn't ask for a better mod, and what this site has to offer, there isn't no other site around that helps it's fellow riders out more than this site has or this man "RSD" so whoever it was that drove him over the edge stand up and appologize and get on with your life...WTF
Well Rubb, it was nice having you here. Make sure you keep in touch and don't just forget about us. We all wish you the best of luck and hope to see you soon.
Andy, We'll miss you around here. Maybe I'm partly responsible too... my hijacking of your banner a couple of months ago while you were vacationing and the added wig and makeup was traumatic to a lot of members. Hopefully it didn't scar your psyche as well.

I liked you when you were a mean old bastid, and I like you now as a big-hearted bastid. You'll always be OK in my book. I wish you all the best.

Andy... Dad... Bro... Rubbah. rubduh... Whatever I call you for the day. You know I don't wanna see ya go, but if your health (mental and/or physical) is at risk, do what you need to.
You got my number, and I got your's. All I ask is you check in occasionally, maybe as a normal member.... AND SEND MOM THE DAMN CHECK!!!
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