I caught a fish...

Just for fun and relaxation...catch and release:)

I once fished a lot of tournaments, but that is a younger man's game.

When I'am camping on the river I release the bass I catch, but the catfish are dinner.:beerchug:


He looks like maybe a 6 pounder from the pic. When I lived in Minor hill Tn. I fished some of the creeks and rivers but only caught one largemouth. Caught some smallmouths and bream but I had a good time doing it. That's a nice one.
Here in Missouri, we use that size for bait.:laugh:

Nice catch Don!!!!

Actually they don't use rods either. Some (after a few beers) stick their arm in the water next to the river bank and wait for something to chomp down on it. :whistle:
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This is my nephew at the confluence in Alaska, where the Russian meets the Kenai river.
It was his first salmon and he was stoked.

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