How to miss a deer

Quite the opposite, my Brocks' ShortMeg has done a great job so far(knock on wood) of clearing deer off the shoulder. When you come up on them and they have that "I'm gonna jump" look in their eyes I immediately pull the clutch and rev it and so far it's scared 'em all away from the road. Use the horn in the same circumstance and they won't even flinch. The DNR outlawed baiting for deer here in Michigan a couple years ago and the harvest has declined and the population increased considerably. Way too many deer here.

my AH has done an awsome job as well.
Didn't watch the whole vid but considering he stayed upright, didn't crash and hurt/kill himself, I'd say he made it out alright. I'm sure he needed to change his underoos

I've had more than a few close encounters with deer and all have been nail biters.....luckily they were just close calls and no contact was made (knock on wood).

I'm amazed he kept it upright myself, he hit that deer a TON!
When you see a deer on the side of the road, is it legal to pull over and shoot it?
I saw five one day last week - all in one day. 2 were already dead, and the other 3 were poised on the road side, getting ready no doubt to dash out into traffic.

Seems like it would be easier and safer just to shoot tha dann??? things and be done with it.
Does anyone use a dear whistle or they don't really work???

The Save-A-Deer whistle is an animal alert, deer warning device that aids in accident prevention with animals. Help save human and animal lives through reduced deer and vehicle collisions. Not to mention, you will be able to avoid the severe damage animals can do to your vehicle.

Product Information
The Save-A-Deer whistle is the smallest and best single unit air-activated animal alert /automobile deer whistle design on the market today. When mounted to a vehicle, car, truck, or motorcycle moving at 35 mph or faster, the deer whistle makes a sound that alerts deer, moose, elk, antelope, and kangaroos of the approaching vehicle and assists with accident prevention. Animals are very unpredictable, but they will usually respond by freezing along the side of the road avoiding vehicle collision. Occasionally the animals will perk their ears and look over at the vehicle. You should always exercise caution when driving in areas heavily populated with animals. You should examine the deer whistle occasionally to be sure it is still mounted to the vehicle and does not have any blockage in the holes. Our whistles make a great auto deer protection device to help reduce chances of deer and vehicle collisions. Over 2 million Save-A-Deer whistles have been sold world wide!