How To Make A Hayabusa Refridgerator


1: clean the door of your fridge real nice to get a good bond.

2: grab one of the vinyl decals from the kit you didnt use from any number of on-line vinyl graphics stores.


3. Stick it on.


Pure awesomeness!!!!
Trust me, Your significant other will love it and think your the coolest!!! :D

And yes, I really did do this.
Lets see how long I can get away with it
Lasted longer than I would think...5 mins so far! LOL!
Maybe a man fridge in the garge might have been a better idea- them stickers aint cheap!
Nice knowin ya. Dibs on the bike when she sees this.
What a great idea. I think my wife would love this. Maybe I'll scrap the Christmas Eve present shoping and surprise her Christmas morning with one on the fridge and maybe kanjis on the washer and dryer.
Shes going to be so happy.
Its going to remain until after the holidays are over, then it comes off.
I do like the washer and dryer idea though, I do have one left:super:

I had bought one of those aftermarket complete hayabusa graphics kits awhile back on ebay. I think it was $28 shipped.
I used the smaller kanji decals and the bigger ones I was just going to throw away:beerchug:

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